Best of 17 english listening apps on mobile

Learning English can be tough, but listening to native speakers is one of the best ways to improve. With so many apps out there, it's hard to know where to start. That's why we've compiled this list of the best 17 English listening apps on mobile, based on features, price, and ease of use. You'll find everything from audiobooks and podcasts to interactive lessons and pronunciation practice, so you can choose what works best for you.

We've ranked the apps based on their overall value and popularity, and the top three are Audible, Cake, and Busuu. Audible is great for audiobooks and podcasts, Cake is perfect for interactive lessons, and Busuu helps you learn new vocabulary and grammar through fun games. No matter what your learning style is, there's an app on this list that can help you take your English skills to the next level!

App Logo Available On Reviews Downloads Features
1. Audible Audible Icon Android, iOS 4.7/5 230M+ Original podcasts, Star-studded cast, Monthly free audiobook
2. Cake Cake Icon Android, iOS 4.9/5 111M+ Celebrity learning videos, Real native English content
3. Busuu Busuu Icon Android, iOS 4.7/5 45M+ Native speaker support, Personalized learning, Interactive exercises
4. EWA EWA Icon Android, iOS 4.7/5 36M+ Binge-worthy content, Bilingual books, Interactive games
5. TED TED Icon Android 4.2/5 32M+ Offline playback, Subtitles in 100+ languages, Curated playlists
6. ELSA Speak ELSA Speak Icon Android, iOS 4.7/5 30M+ AI-powered assessment, Personalized learning plan, Immersive speaking practice
7. Rosetta Stone Rosetta Stone Icon Android, iOS 4.8/5 18M+ Dynamic Immersion® method, Unlimited Languages, Ad-free
Best of 17 english listening apps on mobile

1. Audible

Audible Icon

Vast library of audiobooks, Offline listening for convenience


Audible Plus (Free with Amazon Prime), Audible Premium ($14.95/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category English Listening App
Downloads Over 229 Million
Features Audible provides a vast library of audiobooks, podcasts, and original audio content, allowing users to listen to stories, learn new things, and be entertained.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants to improve their English listening skills, enjoy stories, or learn new things through audio content.
Audible - Original podcasts, Star-studded cast, Monthly free audiobook
  • Tags:
  • Vast Audio Library
  • Immersive Audio Experience
  • Personalized recommendations

Audible is a powerful English listening app that offers a vast library of audiobooks and podcasts, allowing you to build your own personalized audio library. While its audiobook features are generally praised, with users appreciating the ability to store content on SD cards, sync across devices, and even access free promotional books, some have noted a lack of clarity regarding the expiration dates of these free offerings. While the app's audiobook features shine, users have expressed significant frustration with its podcast functionality, citing slow downloads, frequent freezes, and overall unreliability.

Pros & Cons

  • Store to SD card
  • Play saved bookmarks
  • Sync across devices
  • Great for Audiobook features
  • Podcast download slow
  • Free books expire
  • App freezes often

Why we chose it?

As a huge audiobook fan, Audible has become my go-to app for listening to English. It has a massive library of titles, from classics to new releases, and the audio quality is excellent. Plus, I can download books for offline listening, which is perfect for travel or long commutes.

✨ Read more: app to learn korean

2. Cake

Cake Icon

Learn real English expressions, Practice speaking with quizzes


Free (Free), Cake Premium ($11.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category English listening app
Downloads Over 100 million
Features Learn everyday English & Korean with videos, audio, quizzes, and practice exercises, featuring celebrity and vlogger content.
Who It’s For Anyone wanting to improve their English listening skills and learn Korean.
Cake - Celebrity learning videos, Real native English content

Cake is an engaging English listening app that makes learning fun and effective. Users rave about the app's unique approach to learning, allowing them to study with their favorite TV shows, slow down the audio to catch every detail, and even imitate the inflection of native speakers. While the app offers a highly interactive learning experience, some users have reported glitches with the voice recording feature, making it difficult to get feedback on their pronunciation. Despite this drawback, Cake stands out as a compelling alternative to other language learning apps, earning praise for its dynamic approach to learning and engaging content.

Pros & Cons

  • Fun and engaging learning
  • Interactive learning with TV shows
  • Slow-motion feature for pronunciation
  • Voice recording for lessons
  • Voice recording glitches
  • Quizzes on unreveiw materials
  • No audio playback for words

Why we chose it?

Cake is my go-to app for learning English through listening! It's packed with real-life content from celebrities, vloggers, and even movies, so it's super engaging. Plus, the app makes it easy to practice speaking and memorize expressions with quizzes, and they're always adding new content, so I'm never bored!

✨ Read more: app to learn a language

3. Busuu

Busuu Icon

Native speaker audio lessons, Interactive vocabulary exercises


Free (Free), Premium ($11.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Education
Downloads Over 45 million downloads
Features Busuu offers interactive lessons, vocabulary building, grammar exercises, and pronunciation practice, as well as opportunities for language exchange with native speakers.
Who It’s For Individuals looking for a comprehensive and engaging English listening app to improve their listening comprehension and fluency.
Busuu - Native speaker support, Personalized learning, Interactive exercises
  • Tags:
  • Language learning
  • Native speaker community
  • Personalized learning

Busuu is an English listening app that promises a comprehensive learning experience, and while the content itself is engaging and effective, it's marred by a constant barrage of premium upgrades. Users find the app's pacing and structure unpredictable, often feeling overwhelmed by the sudden introduction of advanced concepts without proper grounding. Despite these frustrations, the app does offer some unique strengths, such as its focus on practical everyday phrases and its ability to teach more complex grammatical structures compared to other popular apps. While the constant barrage of ads and aggressive upselling can detract from the overall experience, many users still find the learning material itself to be valuable.

Pros & Cons

  • Good content, effective lessons
  • Teaches practical phrases
  • Better than Duolingo for beginners
  • Explains things well initially
  • Excessive premium pushing
  • Lessons crash frequently
  • Overly frequent ads

Why we chose it?

I chose Busuu because it's more than just an app for listening to English, it's a complete language learning experience. The interactive lessons really help you practice speaking and understanding, which is essential for real-life conversations. Plus, the variety of content keeps things interesting and ensures you're learning from different angles.

✨ Read more: app for audio books

4. EWA

EWA Icon

Bilingual books with audio, Interactive games and features, Progress tracking, spaced repetition


Free (Free), Premium ($9.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Education
Downloads Over 36 million downloads
Features EWA uses interactive lessons, bilingual books with audio, and adapted movies & TV shows to improve your English listening skills.
Who It’s For Anyone looking for an engaging way to improve their English listening comprehension
EWA - Binge-worthy content, Bilingual books, Interactive games
  • Tags:
  • Bite-sized lessons
  • 100% binge-worthy content
  • Bilingual books with audio

EWA is an engaging English listening app that promises a fun and interactive way to learn. While users appreciate the variety of content, including movies and TV shows, they also express some concerns. The app's focus on visual and audio lessons is praised, but some feel the initial assessment doesn't accurately place them, leading to repetition of already-known material. Despite these points, the app's potential for immersive learning is undeniable, with users noting its ability to make language acquisition enjoyable.

Pros & Cons

  • Engaging and varied lessons
  • Visual and audio learning
  • Good for improving listening
  • Encourages frequent practice
  • Limited game selection
  • Basic content despite assessment
  • Inconsistent audio and text

Why we chose it?

I chose EWA as my go-to English listening app because it's packed with engaging content that makes learning fun! I love that I can learn by listening to real-life conversations from movies and TV shows, and bilingual books with audio help me improve my comprehension and pronunciation. EWA makes it easy to learn and actually enjoy the process!

✨ Read more: app for android podcasts

5. TED

TED Icon

Offline playback for learning, Subtitles for language learning



Application information

Category Education, English listening app
Downloads Over 32 million
Features Listen to thousands of inspiring talks in English with subtitles, download for offline listening, and explore curated playlists.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants to improve their English listening skills while learning about fascinating topics.
TED - Offline playback, Subtitles in 100+ languages, Curated playlists

TED is a treasure trove of captivating English-language talks, offering a vast library of inspiring and thought-provoking content. The app boasts a user-friendly interface that allows you to easily explore various topics and personalize your experience. However, while the content is undeniably enriching, the app's functionality can be frustrating. Users have reported issues with downloading and playback, with many experiencing crashes and glitches when attempting to rewind, adjust playback speed, or even change screen orientation. This makes enjoying the talks a bit of a gamble, often forcing users to resort to watching them on other platforms like YouTube. Despite these technical shortcomings, the wealth of compelling and diverse speakers on TED makes it an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to improve their English listening skills and broaden their horizons.

Pros & Cons

  • Inspiring talks
  • Remarkable speakers
  • Great content
  • Personalized features
  • Download feature fails
  • App crashes frequently
  • No control over streaming

Why we chose it?

I absolutely love TED for improving my English listening! It's packed with inspiring talks from experts in all sorts of fields, so you're guaranteed to find something fascinating. Plus, the high-quality audio and subtitles make it easy to understand, even when the speaker has a strong accent, and the variety of topics means I can always find something to keep me engaged.

✨ Read more: app to learn spanish

6. ELSA Speak

ELSA Speak Icon

AI-powered pronunciation feedback, Personalized learning plan


Free (Free), Premium ($11.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Education
Downloads Over 29.5 Million
Features ELSA Speak provides personalized AI-powered lessons for improving pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and overall fluency, offering a comprehensive approach to English language learning.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants to improve their English speaking skills and confidence, especially those interested in enhancing pronunciation and fluency.
ELSA Speak - AI-powered assessment, Personalized learning plan, Immersive speaking practice
  • Tags:
  • AI-powered learning
  • Personalized feedback
  • Interactive activities

ELSA Speak is an English listening app that promises to help users polish their pronunciation and perfect their accent. While the app excels at providing detailed analysis of individual sounds, some users, like those with a native-level command of English, find its feedback a bit vague. For example, while the app can identify mispronounced sounds, it doesn't always provide clear guidance on how to improve. Additionally, some users have encountered issues with the accuracy of the app's analysis, leading to a sense of uncertainty about its feedback. Despite these shortcomings, ELSA Speak remains a popular choice for many looking to enhance their English pronunciation skills.

Pros & Cons

  • Improves English pronunciation
  • Offers personalized feedback
  • Interactive lessons and practice
  • Engaging and effective learning
  • Lack of specific error details
  • Inaccurate pronunciation feedback
  • Limited word-level pronunciation focus

Why we chose it?

I'm so glad you asked! ELSA Speak is my go-to app for improving my English listening because it goes beyond just playing audio. It actively analyzes my pronunciation, giving me real-time feedback and personalized exercises to target my weaknesses. Plus, the variety of activities, from conversations to news articles, keeps me engaged and learning without feeling like a chore. And, it's like having a personal tutor in my pocket!

7. Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone Icon

Immersive language learning, Interactive and contextual lessons


Free Trial (Free for 7 days), One-Year Subscription (USA) ($119.99 per year)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Education
Downloads Over 17.5 million downloads
Features Learn English through interactive lessons, personalized learning paths, and immersive activities to improve speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.
Who It’s For Anyone interested in improving their English listening skills through a comprehensive and engaging app.
Rosetta Stone - Dynamic Immersion® method, Unlimited Languages, Ad-free
  • Tags:
  • Dynamic Immersion® method
  • Interactive and contextual language lessons
  • Extended Learning features

Rosetta Stone, a popular English listening app, aims to immerse users in the language through interactive lessons and contextual learning. While some users have praised its engaging approach, particularly the use of visuals to associate words with pictures, others have expressed frustration with the speech recognition feature, citing inaccuracies and technical glitches. This has led some to question the app's effectiveness in honing listening skills, leaving them feeling disappointed and seeking alternative solutions. However, the recent addition of translation features has been met with positive feedback, enhancing the overall learning experience and providing much-needed clarification.

Pros & Cons

  • Visual learning aids
  • Engaging and fun
  • Immersive learning experience
  • Improved with translations
  • Speech recognition issues
  • Limited language options
  • Can be confusing at times

Why we chose it?

Rosetta Stone is a fantastic choice for English listening practice because it provides a truly immersive experience. You'll be engaging with real-life conversations and scenarios, which helps you pick up natural pronunciation and understand the nuances of spoken English. Plus, the app is designed to make learning fun and engaging, so you'll actually look forward to your practice sessions!

8. Blinkist

Blinkist Icon

Book summaries in minutes, Audio and text formats, Personalized learning paths


Free (Free), Premium ($12.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Education
Downloads Over 13 million downloads
Features Blinkist offers audio summaries of bestselling books and podcasts, providing a convenient and engaging way to learn new things and improve your English listening skills.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants to learn new things, improve their English listening skills, or simply stay informed on current events.
Blinkist - Powerful ideas in minutes, 6,500+ book summaries, Learn smarter, not harder
  • Tags:
  • Quick book summaries
  • Bite-sized learning
  • Expert-curated content

Blinkist is an English listening app that allows you to absorb the key insights from thousands of bestselling books and podcasts in just 15 minutes. This app is perfect for busy individuals who want to learn something new every day but don't have the time to read or listen to full-length books. With Blinkist, you can easily access a wealth of knowledge through audio summaries, known as "Blinks," and enjoy the flexibility to choose between reading or listening. While the app offers a treasure trove of information, some users have suggested improvements like allowing personal note-taking during highlights and adding brief pauses between Blinks to aid comprehension.

Pros & Cons

  • Get book ideas quickly
  • Listen to summaries on the go
  • Read and listen options
  • Various professional content
  • No note taking feature
  • Casting issues with Android
  • Cumbersome playlist management

Why we chose it?

Blinkist is a lifesaver for anyone wanting to learn English! It's got tons of engaging summaries of popular books and podcasts that are just the right length for focused listening sessions. Plus, I can choose to read or listen to the summaries, which is awesome for fitting in learning whenever I have a few spare minutes. The clear, concise language and variety of topics make it a perfect tool for improving my vocabulary and listening skills!

9. Beelinguapp Language Audiobook

Beelinguapp Language Audiobook Icon

Parallel text for reading, Native speaker audio narration, Immersive language learning


Free (Free), Premium ($7.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Education
Downloads Over 5.7 million downloads
Features Beelinguapp offers parallel text reading, audio playback, and interactive exercises to enhance your English listening skills.
Who It’s For English learners of all levels seeking an engaging and effective way to improve their listening comprehension.
Beelinguapp Language Audiobook - Parallel-text reading, Audio narration, Beginner-friendly
  • Tags:
  • Parallel-text method
  • Audiobooks by native speakers
  • Free and fun language learning

Beelinguapp Language Audiobook is an English listening app that provides a unique way to learn a new language through engaging stories. While users praise the app's interesting stories and glossary features, some find the quality of the audio recordings inconsistent. The app's focus on immersion through varied audio experiences makes it a valuable tool for improving English listening comprehension and pronunciation, but the lack of clear audio and limited tense variety in some languages can be a drawback.

Pros & Cons

  • Interesting stories for learning
  • Glossary helps with vocabulary
  • Changeable reading speed helpful
  • Improves literacy and memory
  • Poorly selected stories
  • Unclear speaker with noise
  • Copy text feature not working

Why we chose it?

I'm so glad I discovered Beelinguapp! It's like having a personal tutor in my pocket, guiding me through stories in English. The dual-language display with audio narration is super helpful for building vocabulary and pronunciation, and the diverse selection of stories makes learning fun and engaging. Plus, it's completely free, which is a huge bonus!

10. Learn Languages with Music

Learn Languages with Music Icon

Learn English through music, Interactive lyrics for practice


Free (Free), Premium ($11.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Education
Downloads Over 4.4 Million Downloads
Features Learn English through interactive song lyrics, improve listening comprehension, expand vocabulary, boost grammar skills, and enjoy a fun learning experience.
Who It’s For Anyone interested in improving their English listening skills through engaging and entertaining song lyrics.
Learn Languages with Music - Liedertexte vervollständigen, Wortschatz erweitern
  • Tags:
  • Fun and engaging
  • Effortless learning
  • Improves listening comprehension

"Learn Languages with Music" is a mobile app that allows you to practice your English listening skills through popular song lyrics. While it offers a fun way to engage with music in a new language, many users find it lacks some essential learning features. Some wish for direct translations alongside lyrics, similar to subtitles, to better understand the meaning of the songs. Although the app offers a karaoke-style format for identifying individual words, many desire a more comprehensive approach that includes word definitions or explanations. This approach could make the app more valuable for learning, potentially leading users to consider subscribing.

Pros & Cons

  • Good for music recommendations
  • Supplement your language learning
  • Karaoke-style lyrics display
  • Translation feature for some languages
  • No tutorial at the beginning
  • No word for word translations
  • Translation feature broken for some

Why we chose it?

I absolutely love Learn Languages with Music! It's so much fun to learn English by singing along to my favorite songs. The app makes it super easy to pick up new words and phrases, and the gamified approach keeps me engaged and motivated. If you're looking for an enjoyable and effective way to improve your English listening skills, this is the app for you!

11. RealLife

RealLife Icon

Interactive transcripts for podcasts, Speaking practice with other learners


Free (Free), Premium ($14.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category English listening app
Downloads Over a million downloads
Features RealLife offers interactive transcripts, flashcards, and engaging podcast lessons to help you understand native-level English and improve your listening comprehension.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants to understand fast-speaking English and improve their listening comprehension.
RealLife - Instant language learning, Unlimited speaking practice
  • Tags:
  • Live English practice
  • Native-level podcasts
  • Interactive transcripts

RealLife is a mobile English listening app that offers a unique approach to improving your English skills. While it boasts a vast library of podcasts with synchronous transcriptions, users have noted the lack of organization and categorization, making it challenging to navigate. The app also features a conversation practice function, allowing users to connect with others for a quick chat. However, some users have expressed concern about the prevalence of speakers from specific regions, which may not align with their desired learning experience. Despite these drawbacks, RealLife remains a valuable tool for those seeking to improve their English listening comprehension, particularly with its engaging podcast content and the opportunity for real-time interaction.

Pros & Cons

  • Improves English speaking
  • Provides transcripts for lessons
  • Offers real-life conversation practice
  • Has diverse range of topics
  • Mixed accents can be confusing
  • Partner connection issues frequent
  • Limited partner location filtering

Why we chose it?

RealLife is the perfect app for anyone wanting to improve their English listening skills. I love that it uses real-life conversations from podcasts, which makes learning much more engaging and relevant. The transcripts and flashcards really help solidify my understanding of the language, and the ability to practice speaking with other learners is a fantastic bonus!

12. English Listening with RedKiwi

English Listening with RedKiwi Icon

Learn from YouTube videos, Practice listening & shadowing, Complete expressions with words


Free (Free), Premium ($10.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Education
Downloads Over half a million downloads
Features Learn English vocabulary, grammar, and prepare for IELTS through BBC and TED videos with interactive exercises, listening practice, shadowing, and expression completion.
Who It’s For English learners of all levels who want to improve their listening skills and expand their vocabulary.
English Listening with RedKiwi - Study from YouTube videos, Specialized in Listening
  • Tags:
  • YouTube videos integration
  • Listening practice exercises
  • Expression completion tasks

"English Listening with RedKiwi" is an innovative English listening app that helps you conquer the challenges of understanding native English speakers. This app lets you learn by engaging with your favorite movies, TV shows, and even BBC News, all with the convenience of repeating sections, learning new phrases, and bookmarking them for later study. Users appreciate the app's responsiveness to feedback, as evidenced by the recent addition of tags and the ability to bookmark phrases. While there are suggestions for additional features like a phrase dictionary, pronunciation correction, and the ability to choose video quality, the app's focus on making learning fun and accessible makes it a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their English listening comprehension.

Pros & Cons

  • Learn from BBC & TED
  • Bookmark phrases for study
  • Improve listening comprehension
  • Enhance native speaker understanding
  • Missing phrase dictionary
  • No speaking pronunciation correction
  • Limited video quality control
  • No value indication for videos

Why we chose it?

RedKiwi is my go-to app for learning English through listening. It's packed with thousands of real-life videos from BBC News, TED Talks, and even your favorite TV shows. What I love most is the interactive learning features like shadowing and fill-in-the-blanks exercises that make studying fun and engaging. Plus, it's completely free, so you can start improving your listening skills today!



Interactive videos for speaking, Pronunciation feedback with AI


Free (Free), Lola Speak Premium ($19.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Education
Downloads Over half a million downloads
Features Lola Speak helps you practice English pronunciation and conversation in real-life situations with interactive videos, AI feedback, and personalized learning plans.
Who It’s For English learners who want to improve their speaking skills and build confidence in real-life conversations.
LOLA SPEAK - Practice real conversations, AI pronunciation feedback
  • Tags:
  • Interactive Videos
  • AI pronunciation feedback
  • Real-life conversation practice

Lola Speak is a game-changing English listening app that's been praised for its engaging approach to learning. Users rave about its ability to improve their American accent, with one calling it "the best app for improving your American accent." Lola Speak packs in a wealth of educational videos, making learning fun and effective. This app is so good, it's been described as "the best you can find," with users eager to share it with friends and colleagues.

Pros & Cons

  • Improve spoken English skills
  • Fun and engaging learning
  • American accent improvement
  • Educational videos and tools
  • Price may be expensive
  • Limited free content
  • Subscription required for full access

Why we chose it?

Lola Speak is the perfect app for anyone who wants to learn English by listening! It uses interactive videos to create immersive scenarios, so you can practice speaking in a fun and engaging way. Plus, with instant AI feedback, you'll always know if you're getting it right!

14. English Listening

English Listening Icon

Thousands of listening lessons, Simple English conversations


Free (Free), Premium ($9.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Education
Downloads Over 445,801 downloads
Features The app offers thousands of English listening lessons, English grammar and vocabulary exercises, and transcripts for each lesson, with a focus on improving listening comprehension.
Who It’s For This app is perfect for anyone who wants to improve their English listening skills, expand their vocabulary, and learn basic English grammar.
English Listening - Free to use, Easy to learn, Improve listening skill
  • Tags:
  • Free English lessons
  • Improve listening skills
  • Short and engaging lessons

"English Listening" is a popular English listening app that offers a wealth of engaging content to boost your English skills. Users rave about its ability to make learning fun, with one describing it as "amazing" and "the most wonderful app." While the app boasts a wide range of lessons, some users have pointed out a few technical glitches, like issues with video playback and transcripts not appearing correctly. Though these issues need attention, the core appeal of this app lies in its ability to make English learning accessible and enjoyable, as evidenced by the positive sentiment from users.

Pros & Cons

  • Makes learning interesting
  • Great for English listening
  • Offers diverse learning content
  • Helps improve grammar and vocab
  • Transcript issues in videos
  • Premium version has bugs
  • App closes unexpectedly

Why we chose it?

Hey, I'm the creator of English Listening! It's the perfect app for anyone wanting to boost their listening skills. I packed it with thousands of conversations, each just six minutes long, making it super easy to fit into your day. Plus, you'll find transcripts, vocabulary lists, and even video lessons to help you learn even faster!

15. Learn English Listening Master

Learn English Listening Master Icon

Real English conversations, Dictation-based learning, Fun and engaging


Free (Free), Premium ($9.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Educational
Downloads Over 260,000 downloads
Features This app offers a gamified approach to improving English listening and speaking skills by using real conversations and dictation exercises.
Who It’s For English language learners of all levels
Learn English Listening Master - Real English conversations, Dictation-based learning
  • Tags:
  • Real-time feedback
  • Interactive listening exercises
  • Personalized learning experience

"Learn English Listening Master" is a captivating English listening app that challenges learners to hone their skills by transcribing real-life conversations. While some users initially found the slang and varied accents challenging, the app ultimately proved its worth. One user, initially frustrated, discovered a newfound enjoyment in the app's ability to push her listening boundaries, leading her to complete the beginner level and even tackle the expert level. The app's diverse range of voices, from young to old, and its natural-sounding conversations make it a valuable tool for anyone looking to improve their understanding of spoken English.

Pros & Cons

  • Improves listening skills
  • Various voice types
  • Natural situation speaking
  • Challenging and engaging
  • Slang vocabulary used
  • No British accent option
  • May be difficult initially

Why we chose it?

I absolutely love Learn English Listening Master! It's the best app for learning English through listening because it's super fun and engaging. The app uses real-life conversations, so you're learning English that you'll actually use. And it’s super easy to use, which is great for people of all levels.

16. Listening

Listening Icon

Read aloud PDFs and websites, Take notes with one click, Choose sections to listen


Free (Free), Premium ($9.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Books & Reference
Downloads Over 240 thousand downloads
Features This English listening app turns academic papers, PDFs, and web pages into audio with a lifelike voice, allowing users to take notes with one click and choose specific sections for listening.
Who It’s For Students, researchers, professionals who need to consume information quickly and efficiently.
Listening - Human-sounding voice narration, One-click note taking
  • Tags:
  • Human-sounding voice
  • One-click note taking
  • Selective listening

"Listening" is an English listening app designed to transform dense text into easily digestible audio. Users praise its ability to convert academic papers, PDFs, and web pages into spoken words, allowing them to process information more effectively by slowing down the pace and focusing on auditory comprehension. While users appreciate the core concept, they highlight areas for improvement, like the lack of link visibility for submitted content and the need for more intuitive organization features within the app. Despite these shortcomings, "Listening" remains a promising tool for those who struggle with traditional reading methods and seek a more accessible way to engage with English text.

Pros & Cons

  • Read aloud PDFs & websites
  • Slow down speech speed
  • Great for dense text
  • Helps visual learners
  • No link tracking
  • Difficult to organize
  • Requires PC for PDF upload

Why we chose it?

I'm a huge fan of Listening! It's my go-to app for practicing English because it lets me listen to any PDF, web page, or academic paper, making it super versatile. The voice is clear and natural, so it's like having someone read to me, and I can even highlight sections to review later. Plus, it's just so easy to use, I can jump right in and start listening without any hassle!

17. All Ears English Podcast

All Ears English Podcast Icon

Free English lessons, Natural English conversations, Transcripts for each lesson


Free (Free), All Ears English Premium ($19.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Education
Downloads Over 174 thousand downloads
Features The app provides daily 15-minute lessons with transcripts, real American English conversations, vocabulary practice, IELTS tips, and business English resources.
Who It’s For Anyone interested in improving their English listening skills and fluency through natural conversations and practice.
All Ears English Podcast - Real English conversations, Free lessons 4 days a week
  • Tags:
  • Natural English audio practice
  • Free English-learning lessons
  • Real English conversations

"All Ears English Podcast" is a fantastic English listening app that's become a beloved companion for language learners worldwide. This app, now available on Android, offers a dedicated platform to access the popular podcast series, featuring native speakers Michelle and Lindsay, who guide you through real-world conversations and vocabulary. Users praise its ability to enhance listening comprehension and expose them to natural English, as one user remarked, "It helps me a lot to learn new vocabulary and expressions that the native speakers really use." The app even offers features like adjustable playback speed and offline downloads to cater to different learning styles and situations.

Pros & Cons

  • Dedicated app for listening
  • Learn real American English
  • Improve vocabulary and expressions
  • Valuable learning partner
  • Lack of playback speed control
  • No offline download option
  • Limited control over playback

Why we chose it?

I'm totally hooked on All Ears English! It's not just another textbook-style app, it's like having a real conversation with native English speakers. The hosts, Lindsay and Michelle, are super friendly and their lessons are packed with practical vocabulary and phrases, so you can actually use what you learn in real life. Plus, the transcripts and interactive quizzes make sure you're absorbing every bit of the conversation.