Best of 8 fake messages apps on Android, iPhone

Ever wanted to prank your friends with a fake text message? Or maybe you need to create a screenshot for a funny meme? Well, there are tons of apps out there that let you create super realistic fake chats, and I've rounded up the best ones for Android and iPhone! These apps let you customize everything, from the names and profile pics to the actual message content. You can even add timestamps and make it look like the messages were sent and received in the past.

My top picks are Fake Chat ChatsMock Text Prank, Fake Chat Conversation, and TextingStory Chat Story Maker. These apps are super easy to use, offer lots of customization options, and even let you add emojis and GIFs to make your fake chats even more convincing. So whether you're looking to prank your friends or just create a funny meme, these apps have got you covered.

App Logo Available On Reviews Downloads Features
1. Fake Chat ChatsMock Text Prank Fake Chat ChatsMock Text Prank Icon Android 4.5/5 46M+ Fake video calls, Send videos, Dark mode
2. Fake Chat Conversation Fake Chat Conversation Icon Android 4.3/5 17M+ Unlimited messages, Fully customizable, One-click screenshot
3. TextingStory Chat Story Maker TextingStory Chat Story Maker Icon Android, iOS 4.7/5 14M+ Easy text conversation writing, Automatic video creation
4. Text Message Creator Text Message Creator Icon Android, iOS 2.7/5 7M+
5. MeMi Message SMS & AI Bot Chat MeMi Message SMS & AI Bot Chat Icon Android, iOS 3.3/5 6M+ SMS & MMS Roleplay, Local Roleplay Chat, Remote Cloud Chat
6. iFake iFake Icon Android, iOS 4.3/5 3M+ Create realistic chats, Unlimited group chats, Support for iOS emojis
7. Fake chat Message Prank chat Fake chat Message Prank chat Icon Android 4.7/5 684K+ Realistic fake chat, Control both sides, Automatic fake reply
Best of 8 fake messages apps on Android, iPhone

1. Fake Chat ChatsMock Text Prank

Fake Chat ChatsMock Text Prank Icon

Create realistic fake chats, Fool friends with mockups, Share screenshots for pranks


Free (Free), Premium ($1.99/month)



Application information

Category Entertainment
Downloads Over 46 million downloads
Features Create realistic fake chat conversations with customizable profiles, send messages, images, videos, and voice/video calls, and share screenshots for hilarious pranks.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants to create funny fake messages to prank their friends and family.
Fake Chat ChatsMock Text Prank - Fake video calls, Send videos, Dark mode
  • Tags:
  • Create fake chats
  • Prank your friends
  • Fake voice and video calls

Fake Chat ChatsMock Text Prank is a fun and versatile fake messages app that lets you create realistic mock conversations to prank your friends or simply tell stories. Users love the app's ease of use and its ability to mimic real chat interactions, complete with customizable profiles, group chats, and even fake calls. While the watermark can be a bit of a nuisance for pranksters, the app's overall functionality is highly praised. The ability to control message timing and add photos would be welcome additions, as would a sticker feature and a way to manage multiple stories. However, even without these extras, Fake Chat ChatsMock Text Prank is a solid choice for anyone looking to create convincing fake messages for entertainment or creative purposes.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use for texting stories
  • Allows for group chat creation
  • Change names in fake conversations
  • Good for creating fake conversations
  • Annoying ads interfere with use
  • Watermark prevents realistic pranks
  • No option to send photos in chats

Why we chose it?

I'm absolutely smitten with Fake Chat ChatsMock Text Prank! It's my go-to for creating realistic fake messages because it offers a ton of customization, from adding fake profiles and statuses to sending videos and GIFs. Plus, you can control both sides of the conversation, which makes it way more fun to prank your friends. If you're looking for a fun and easy-to-use app for creating fake messages, this one's a winner!

✨ Read more: app for calling on wifi

2. Fake Chat Conversation

Fake Chat Conversation Icon

Create realistic fake chats, Customize every chat detail, Easy one-click screenshot


Free (Free), Premium ($4.99/month)



Application information

Category Entertainment
Downloads Over 16 million downloads
Features Create realistic fake chats with customizable messages, stickers, photos, and easy screenshot functionality.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants to create funny, prank, or meme-worthy fake messages
Fake Chat Conversation - Unlimited messages, Fully customizable, One-click screenshot
  • Tags:
  • Unlimited Messages
  • Fully Customizable
  • Realistic Chat Interface

Fake Chat Conversation is a fun and engaging fake messages app that lets you create hilarious, personalized chats for pranks, memes, or just for laughs. Users rave about its ease of use and ability to customize chats with different colors, group chats, and even the ability to add photos to make them look incredibly realistic. While some users wish for more advanced features like the ability to create fake stories or program messages for notifications, the app's core functionality provides a solid foundation for creating convincing and entertaining fake conversations.

Pros & Cons

  • Create pranks and jokes
  • Replicate real chat features
  • Customize chat colors and groups
  • Fun and entertaining to use
  • Frequent ads and glitches
  • Limited message customization options
  • Set to seen feature not functional

Why we chose it?

Fake Chat Conversation is my go-to app for creating hilarious fake chats! It's super easy to use, lets you customize every detail, and has a ton of fun features like stickers and photo integration. Plus, it's super lightweight and doesn't hog up my phone's storage – that's a huge win for me!

✨ Read more: app to chat with strangers

3. TextingStory Chat Story Maker

TextingStory Chat Story Maker Icon

Create realistic fake texts, Customize characters and styles


Free (Free), Pro ($4.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Entertainment
Downloads Over 13 million
Features Create fake text conversations, record videos of the chats, and easily share them online.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants to create funny or engaging videos of fake text conversations.
TextingStory Chat Story Maker - Easy text conversation writing, Automatic video creation
  • Tags:
  • Easy to use
  • Endless Possibilities
  • Fast-paced videos

TextingStory Chat Story Maker lets you craft incredibly realistic fake text conversations, complete with all the quirks of real messaging. It even mimics typing errors, autocorrections, and hesitations, adding a layer of authenticity that's hard to find in other apps. You can create entire storylines, complete with characters and plot twists, all within the familiar interface of a messaging app. However, some users find the app's lack of GIF support, paid features, and occasional bugs frustrating. While the app's meticulous attention to detail makes it a fun and engaging way to tell stories, it's clear that some features, like photo support, are missing or require in-app purchases, leaving some users feeling like their creativity is limited.

Pros & Cons

  • Realistic typing experience
  • High-quality video production
  • Fun and engaging storytelling
  • Intuitive interface for creating
  • Limited free features
  • Slow export times
  • No GIF support
  • Buggy profile picture feature

Why we chose it?

TextingStory Chat Story Maker is my absolute favorite fake message app because it's incredibly easy to use, super customizable, and allows me to create really engaging videos with just text conversations. I love how it lets me switch sides by swiping, just like a real text chat, and even includes little details like typos and hesitations to make it feel even more realistic. Plus, the automatic video creation feature is a lifesaver – I don't have to worry about editing or timing, it just works!

✨ Read more: app for second phone number

4. Text Message Creator

Text Message Creator Icon

Create realistic fake chats, Customize chat participants, Share screenshots easily


Free (Free), Pro ($9.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Tools
Downloads Over 7 Million
Features Create fake text messages with customizable themes, characters, and messages for fun, pranks, or storytelling.
Who It’s For Anyone looking to create fake text message conversations for entertainment, pranks, or social media content.
Text Message Creator -
  • Tags:
  • Chat Story Maker
  • Video and Screenshot Creator
  • Multiple themes

Text Message Creator is a mobile app that lets you craft convincing fake text conversations for a variety of purposes, whether it's for a prank, a meme, or just for fun. While the app itself does what it's intended to do, users have expressed concerns about its auto-update behavior, finding it intrusive and circumvention of user preferences. Additionally, many users find the constant pop-up ads disruptive to the experience. While some appreciate the app's core functionality, the changes from the previous version have left many disappointed, lamenting the loss of customization options and the shift in the app's overall direction.

Pros & Cons

  • Create realistic fake text messages
  • Easy to use interface for quick edits
  • Offers various customization options for messages
  • Helpful for creating entertaining social media content
  • Annoying ads interrupt the user experience
  • Unwanted app updates despite user preferences
  • Limited customization options compared to previous version

Why we chose it?

Text Message Creator is my top pick for fake messages apps because it gives you complete creative control. You can customize every detail, from the chat's appearance to the messages themselves, making it perfect for crafting hilarious or dramatic scenarios. Plus, the app's intuitive interface makes it easy to use, even if you're new to creating fake chat conversations.

✨ Read more: app for calling abroad

5. MeMi Message SMS & AI Bot Chat

MeMi Message SMS & AI Bot Chat Icon

Fake SMS text conversations, Roleplay with friends and bots, Create realistic chat scenarios


Free (Free), Premium ($4.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Entertainment
Downloads Over 5.8 million downloads
Features Create fake text conversations for fun, prank friends, or write stories with a texting format.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants to create fake text messages for fun or to tell stories in a texting format.
MeMi Message SMS & AI Bot Chat - SMS & MMS Roleplay, Local Roleplay Chat, Remote Cloud Chat
  • Tags:
  • SMS & MMS Roleplay
  • Local Chat Roleplay
  • Remote Chat Roleplay

MeMi Message SMS & AI Bot Chat is a popular fake messages app on mobile devices that lets you craft convincing, personalized text conversations. While users rave about its customizable features like dark mode and chat colors, along with a fun chatbot, the app unfortunately suffers from some technical glitches. Many users have reported issues with sending messages, saving screenshots, and experiencing frustrating lag in the video-making features. The app also has trouble maintaining consistent loading times and user accounts, leading to a frustrating experience for some. While MeMi Message has great potential, these recurring issues prevent it from reaching its full potential as a truly seamless and enjoyable fake messages app.

Pros & Cons

  • Create fake messages for fun
  • Offers dark mode and chat colors
  • Includes a chatbot for interaction
  • Good idea for social dummy scenarios
  • Issues with sending messages properly
  • Problems with screenshot saving feature
  • Stiff video making and keyboard
  • Loading issues and group chat bugs

Why we chose it?

MeMi Message is the perfect app for crafting believable fake messages! It's got everything you need to create a convincing conversation, from realistic SMS and MMS features to customizable AI bot chats. Plus, it's incredibly user-friendly, making it a breeze to create those hilarious and dramatic fake chats you've always wanted.

✨ Read more: app store for android

6. iFake

iFake Icon

Realistic chat screens, iOS style, Unlimited group chats, diverse apps


Android iOS

Application information

Category Entertainment
Downloads Over 3 million downloads
Features iFake lets you create realistic fake chat screens for popular messaging apps, complete with iOS-style notifications, emojis, group chats, and even verified icons.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants to create fake messages for entertainment purposes, such as fooling friends or creating funny scenarios.
iFake - Create realistic chats, Unlimited group chats, Support for iOS emojis
  • Tags:
  • Realistic Chat Screen Creator
  • Unlimited Group Chats
  • iOS Emojis and Backgrounds

iFake is a popular fake messages app that lets you create convincing, customizable chat conversations for fun. While users praise its smooth interface and the ability to create realistic-looking chats, some find the app's paid features underwhelming. A common complaint is the persistence of ads even after purchasing the pro version, which makes some feel misled. Despite these criticisms, many enjoy the creative possibilities iFake offers, including its variety of chat templates and ability to personalize messages with different emojis and backgrounds. However, users have voiced suggestions for improvements, such as the ability to drag-and-drop messages and a more intuitive way to edit fake user profiles.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to navigate
  • Fun to make stories
  • Smooth UI
  • Good end product
  • Ads in pro version
  • No drag and drop
  • Blurry chat profile

Why we chose it?

iFake is my go-to app for creating convincing fake messages! It's got all the bells and whistles I need, from realistic chat screens to support for iOS emojis, and it's super easy to use. I can even create fake group chats and customize the background for a truly authentic look.

7. Fake chat Message Prank chat

Fake chat Message Prank chat Icon

Create realistic fake chats, Share screenshots for pranks, Schedule fake calls and replies


Free (Free), Premium ($2.99/month)



Application information

Category Entertainment
Downloads Over 684,000 downloads
Features Create realistic fake chats with customizable contacts, stories, groups, and even schedule fake calls for ultimate pranking.
Who It’s For People who want to create fake messages app conversations to prank their friends.
Fake chat Message Prank chat - Realistic fake chat, Control both sides, Automatic fake reply
  • Tags:
  • Fake Chat Conversations
  • Realistic Chat Screens
  • Prank friends and family

"Fake chat Message Prank chat" is a fun and engaging fake messages app that lets you create realistic conversations to prank your friends. Users rave about its ability to craft believable chats, with features like fake contacts, stories, and even group chats. The app allows you to control both sides of the conversation, adding images, audio, and even video to make it extra convincing. While users appreciate the app's speed, some have requested a delay in the bot's responses for a more realistic feel. Others have mentioned a bug with photo uploads, highlighting the need for ongoing improvements. Overall, "Fake chat Message Prank chat" is a popular choice for anyone who wants to add a dash of mischief to their social life.

Pros & Cons

  • Create realistic fake chats
  • Fun for pranks and jokes
  • Add videos and photos
  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Fast responses can be unrealistic
  • Photo sending sometimes fails
  • Lacks reaction feature

Why we chose it?

This app is a total game-changer for pulling off epic pranks! It's got everything you need to create realistic fake chats, from customizable contact lists and group messages to even fake audio and video calls. Plus, it's super user-friendly, so you can get started right away and leave your friends speechless with your convincing fake conversations!

8. Make Story

Make Story Icon

Create realistic fake conversations, Customize fake profiles and messages


Android iOS

Application information

Category Tools
Downloads Over 183,000 downloads
Features Create fake chats, conversations, and messages for fun, pranks, or social media content.
Who It’s For Anyone looking to create realistic fake messages for entertainment purposes.
Make Story - Create fake friends, Edit friend details, Fabricate chats
  • Tags:
  • Fake Friends Generator
  • Fake Chats Creator
  • Customizable Content

"Make Story" is a fake messages app for mobile devices that lets you create realistic-looking conversations with friends or even strangers. It's designed to be simple to use, with a clean interface that feels authentic. While some users have reported issues with performance on older Android devices, many praise the app for its ability to create convincing fake calls and messages. The app's developers are actively listening to user feedback, with requests for features like editing status, offline/online indicators, and more precise time control on messages being considered for future updates.

Pros & Cons

  • Realistic fake messages
  • Simple and easy interface
  • Good for creating fake calls
  • Potential for future improvements
  • Performance issues on Android
  • Limited customization options
  • No English language support

Why we chose it?

I've tried a ton of fake message apps, and Make Story really stands out! It's incredibly easy to create realistic conversations with its intuitive interface and tons of customization options. Plus, the app lets you design fake friends, making it perfect for pranks or just having some fun. If you're looking for a top-notch app to create fake messages, Make Story is the one!