The 20 best goal achievement apps on Android, iPhone

Setting goals is easy, but sticking to them? That's the real challenge. Luckily, there are tons of apps that can help! This list of the 20 best goal achievement apps for Android and iPhone will help you find the perfect one for your needs. Whether you want to focus on your health, finances, or productivity, there's an app out there for you.

To get you started, check out Fabulous Daily Routine Planner, a super-helpful app that'll make your mornings a breeze. If you need more motivation, Finch lets you connect with friends to stay accountable and celebrate wins. And for a fun way to track progress, Habitica turns goal setting into a game!

App Logo Available On Reviews Downloads Features
1. Fabulous Daily Routine Planner Fabulous Daily Routine Planner Icon Android, iOS 4.6/5 24M+ Healthy morning routine, Daily habit tracker, Focus on deep work
2. Finch Finch Icon Android, iOS 5/5 6M+ Self care pet companion, Personalized daily exercises
3. Habitica Habitica Icon Android, iOS 4.7/5 5M+ Gamified task management, Habit tracking with rewards
4. HabitNow Daily Routine Planner HabitNow Daily Routine Planner Icon Android, iOS 4.8/5 5M+ Flexible scheduling, Habit customization, Calendar integration
5. Dreamfora Dreamfora Icon Android, iOS 4.8/5 2M+ AI-powered dream planning, Personalized achievement strategies
6. Avocation Goal & Habit Tracker Avocation Goal & Habit Tracker Icon Android, iOS 4.6/5 1M+ Track habits and goals, Gamified habit tracking, Offline habit tracker
7. Habit Tracker Planner HabitYou Habit Tracker Planner HabitYou Icon Android, iOS 5/5 381K+ Unlimited Habits, Notes and Images, Courses and Challenges
The 20 best goal achievement apps on Android, iPhone

1. Fabulous Daily Routine Planner

Fabulous Daily Routine Planner Icon

Habit-building routines for success, Personalized coaching for your goals


Free Plan (Free), Fabulous Premium ($19.99/year)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Health & Fitness
Downloads Over 23.5 million downloads
Features Fabulous combines habit building, mindfulness exercises, and personalized coaching to help you achieve your goals.
Who It’s For Individuals seeking a goal achievement app to build healthy habits, improve mental well-being, and enhance their overall lifestyle.
Fabulous Daily Routine Planner - Healthy morning routine, Daily habit tracker, Focus on deep work
  • Tags:
  • Habit Tracking
  • Routine Planning
  • Mental Health Focus

Fabulous Daily Routine Planner is a goal achievement app that empowers you to build healthy habits and reach your full potential. It's packed with features that guide you on your journey, from setting small, achievable goals to learning valuable life lessons through engaging mini-meditations and exercises. With its beautiful graphics and easy-to-use interface, Fabulous makes it enjoyable to create a personalized routine and stick to it, even amidst the challenges of everyday life. While some users find the constant notifications and sound effects a bit overwhelming, the app's overall effectiveness in helping users achieve their goals makes it a powerful tool for personal growth and well-being.

Pros & Cons

  • Great advice for habit change
  • Easy to use, interactive steps
  • Motivational mini lessons included
  • Beautiful and engaging graphics
  • Annoying sound effects, too kitschy
  • Overwhelming amount of content to navigate
  • Too many pop-ups and notifications

Why we chose it?

Fabulous is my go-to app for achieving my goals! It's not just a to-do list, it's a personalized coach that helps you build healthy habits and routines. I love that it's science-backed and uses gamification to keep me motivated, making it way more fun and effective than other goal-setting apps I've tried.

✨ Read more: app for anxiety

2. Finch

Finch Icon

Track progress, build momentum, Gamified experience, fun motivation


Free (Free), Finch Premium ($11.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Goal Achievement
Downloads Over 6 Million Downloads
Features Finch helps you achieve your goals with mood tracking, habit building, self-care exercises, personalized challenges, and a gamified experience to keep you motivated.
Who It’s For People seeking a fun and engaging way to track progress, build positive habits, and improve mental well-being.
Finch - Self care pet companion, Personalized daily exercises
  • Tags:
  • Self Care Pet
  • Personalized exercises
  • Mood Tracking

Finch isn't your average goal achievement app. It takes a playful approach to motivation, encouraging you to care for a virtual pet that thrives as you reach your daily goals. This app cleverly taps into our desire for rewards, using points and exploration unlocks to fuel progress. But Finch goes beyond simple gamification; it offers calming resources like breathing exercises and background noise to help you navigate challenging days. The beauty lies in its flexibility: you choose your goals, your pace, and whether you want to track streaks or not, making it a stress-free companion for achieving your personal best.

Pros & Cons

  • Motivates and rewards goal achievement
  • Provides resources for difficult days
  • Customizable and visually appealing
  • Stress-free and user-controlled
  • Simple reward system may not be enough
  • May not suit users without external motivation
  • Limited features compared to other apps

Why we chose it?

Finch is my go-to for goal achievement because it makes the process fun and engaging! I love that it gamifies self-care and habit building with a virtual pet that grows as you reach your goals. It's also incredibly customizable, so I can tailor my journey to fit my specific needs. Whether I'm working on my mindfulness, productivity, or simply trying to be more positive, Finch keeps me motivated and on track.

✨ Read more: app for daily planner

3. Habitica

Habitica Icon

Gamify tasks and goals, RPG elements for motivation, Track progress and earn rewards


Free (Free), Habitica Plus ($5/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Goal Achievement App
Downloads Over 5 million downloads
Features Habitica gamifies your tasks and goals using an RPG interface, allowing you to earn rewards, level up, and battle monsters as you achieve your goals.
Who It’s For Anyone looking for a fun and engaging way to build habits, stay motivated, and achieve their goals.
Habitica - Gamified task management, Habit tracking with rewards
  • Tags:
  • Gamified task management
  • Habit-building with RPG elements
  • Customizable rewards and challenges

Habitica is a goal achievement app that leverages the power of gamification to help you stay motivated and on track. The app allows you to turn your daily tasks, chores, or even online courses into a fun and engaging RPG experience. Users can level up their characters, complete quests, and earn rewards, making it incredibly satisfying to achieve their goals. While the app is entirely free to use, with a subscription option for purely cosmetic items, it has been praised for its effectiveness in helping users establish and maintain positive habits, making it a valuable tool for anyone looking to enhance their productivity and achieve their aspirations.

Pros & Cons

  • Gamifies tasks for motivation
  • Easy to add and manage tasks
  • Free with optional cosmetic upgrades
  • Strong community and social features
  • Frequent server connection issues
  • Notification problems reported by users
  • Limited customization options for free users

Why we chose it?

Habitica is a super fun way to tackle your goals! I love that it turns your tasks into a game, making it way more engaging than a boring to-do list. It also helps me stay accountable with the daily and weekly reminders, and I'm always motivated to level up my character and unlock cool new rewards. If you're looking for a fun and effective app to help you achieve your goals, Habitica is definitely worth checking out.

✨ Read more: app for habit tracking

4. HabitNow Daily Routine Planner

HabitNow Daily Routine Planner Icon

Track progress towards goals, Schedule tasks and events, Build lasting positive habits


Free (Free), Premium ($5.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Productivity
Downloads Over 4.7 Million Downloads
Features HabitNow provides a comprehensive suite of features for goal achievement, including to-do lists, habit trackers, routine planners, reminders, and calendar integration.
Who It’s For Individuals seeking a user-friendly goal achievement app to manage their daily routines, build habits, and boost productivity.
HabitNow Daily Routine Planner - Flexible scheduling, Habit customization, Calendar integration
  • Tags:
  • Personalized Task Management
  • Seamless Habit Tracking
  • Flexible Scheduling System

HabitNow Daily Routine Planner is a powerful goal achievement app that lets you build positive habits and stay on track with your daily tasks. The app allows you to set up your habits, schedule them in order, and receive reminders or alarms to keep you motivated. It even tracks your progress with clear visualizations, so you can see how much you've accomplished. While the free version offers a robust set of features, a one-time premium purchase unlocks even more customization and flexibility, making HabitNow a truly effective tool for achieving your goals.

Pros & Cons

  • Helps track progress towards goals
  • Provides reminders and alarms
  • Allows for habit scheduling
  • Offers both free and premium versions
  • Limited habit tracking in free version
  • No option to skip multiple habits
  • Alarm volume adjustment not functional

Why we chose it?

HabitNow is my go-to app for achieving my goals because it seamlessly combines task management, habit tracking, and a powerful routine planner. I love the intuitive interface, which makes it easy to set goals, break them down into actionable steps, and track my progress. Plus, the ability to create personalized routines ensures I stay on track and build positive habits that truly support my goals.

✨ Read more: app for adhd

5. Dreamfora

Dreamfora Icon

AI-powered dream planning, Personalized action plans, Progress tracking system


Free (Free), Premium ($9.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Lifestyle
Downloads Over 1.9 million downloads
Features Dreamfora is a goal achievement app that uses AI to help users set and achieve their goals by creating personalized plans, providing actionable steps, and offering progress tracking.
Who It’s For Dreamfora is for anyone who wants to achieve their goals and dreams, whether it's personal, professional, or creative.
Dreamfora - AI-powered dream planning, Personalized achievement strategies
  • Tags:
  • AI-Powered Planning
  • Personalized Pathways
  • Expert-Curated Strategies

Dreamfora is a beautiful and inspiring goal achievement app that helps you turn your dreams, big or small, into reality. This free, customizable app makes goal setting simple and accessible by providing pre-made options for common dreams and allowing you to create your own personalized plans. With its visually appealing interface, Dreamfora encourages you to take those first steps towards your goals, providing a sense of accomplishment and reminding you to focus on your well-being. The app's easy-to-use formatting and motivational approach make it an ideal tool for anyone struggling with procrastination or seeking a boost of inspiration to achieve their aspirations.

Pros & Cons

  • Helps achieve small & big dreams
  • Provides helpful reminders for goals
  • Free and no in-app purchases
  • Good customizability and easy to use
  • Tasks not saved consistently
  • Save time is too long
  • Days streak reset due to saving issue

Why we chose it?

Dreamfora is a game-changer for anyone serious about achieving their goals! It's the only app I've found that combines AI-powered planning with a user-friendly interface that keeps me motivated and on track. With Dreamfora, I'm not just setting goals, I'm creating a personalized roadmap to success, complete with daily reminders, progress tracking, and expert-curated strategies.

✨ Read more: app for to do list

6. Avocation Goal & Habit Tracker

Avocation Goal & Habit Tracker Icon

Visualize progress with habit circles, Track daily routines with ease


Free (Free), Avocation Pro ($4.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Lifestyle
Downloads Over 1 million
Features Avocation helps you achieve goals by tracking habits, visualizing progress, providing insights, offering challenges, and encouraging streaks.
Who It’s For Individuals seeking a fun and engaging way to build new habits, achieve goals, and improve their daily routines.
Keywords n/a
Avocation Goal & Habit Tracker - Track habits and goals, Gamified habit tracking, Offline habit tracker
  • Tags:
  • Offline habit tracker
  • Small achievable goals
  • Visual progress tracking

Avocation Goal & Habit Tracker is a refreshingly simple yet effective goal achievement app that prioritizes user experience. Its intuitive design, featuring large, colorful icons and cute plant-growing rewards, makes tracking progress fun and engaging. The app focuses on the core functionality of habit tracking, allowing users to effortlessly log their daily activities. Users appreciate the app's minimal approach, praising its clean interface and the developers' responsiveness to user feedback, even addressing specific issues like haptic feedback. Avocation proves that achieving goals doesn't require a complex interface, but rather a focus on the essentials, making it a delightful tool for anyone looking to cultivate positive habits and reach their aspirations.

Pros & Cons

  • Simple and motivating design
  • Easy and quick to use
  • Focuses on core features
  • Helpful for goal achievement
  • Limited features beyond habit tracking
  • Haptic feedback is too high
  • May not be suitable for complex goals

Why we chose it?

I've been using Avocation for a while now, and I absolutely love it! It's super easy to use and really helps me stay focused on my goals. The habit tracker is fantastic - it's simple, but effective. Plus, the built-in goal-setting feature is really motivating, helping me break down big dreams into manageable steps.

7. Habit Tracker Planner HabitYou

Habit Tracker Planner HabitYou Icon

Unlimited habit creation, tracking, Goal-oriented courses and challenges


Free (Free), Premium ($4.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Lifestyle
Downloads Over 381,000 downloads
Features HabitYou offers unlimited habit tracking, to-do lists, customizable reminders, progress graphs, and streaks to help users build positive habits and achieve their goals.
Who It’s For HabitYou is perfect for anyone seeking a goal achievement app to track progress, stay motivated, and build lasting positive habits.
Habit Tracker Planner HabitYou - Unlimited Habits, Notes and Images, Courses and Challenges
  • Tags:
  • Unlimited Habits
  • Detailed Habit Tracking
  • Goal Tracking Courses

Habit Tracker Planner HabitYou is a stellar goal achievement app that empowers you to build positive habits and ditch the bad ones. Users rave about its attractive interface, robust features, and phenomenal customer service. With the ability to set reminders, add notes, and organize tasks into categories, HabitYou helps you stay on track and motivated. While there are some minor quirks, like the difference between "missing" and "skipping" a habit, the app's focus on providing regular updates and adding new features ensures a smooth and continuously improving user experience.

Pros & Cons

  • Attractive interface and robust features
  • Excellent customer service and responsiveness
  • Regular updates and new feature additions
  • Effective for habit development and tracking
  • Confusing difference between 'missing' and 'skipping'
  • Inability to mark completed tasks after a day
  • Potential for streak breaks due to oversight

Why we chose it?

I'm absolutely hooked on HabitYou! It's the best habit tracker I've found for achieving goals because it lets me create unlimited habits and reminders for free, so I can track everything from daily workouts to learning a new language. Plus, the color-coded categories and progress graphs keep me motivated and on track. And with customizable to-do lists and notes, I can really dive deep into planning and achieving my goals.

8. Goals planner

Goals planner Icon

Set and track goals, Visualize progress with charts, Stay motivated with reminders


Free (Free), Premium ($4.99/month)



Application information

Category Lifestyle
Downloads Over 274,000 downloads
Features The Goals planner app empowers you to set, track, and achieve your goals with features like goal categorization, deadline setting, progress tracking, and motivational reminders.
Who It’s For Individuals seeking a user-friendly goal achievement app to stay motivated and track progress towards their aspirations.
Goals planner - Smart goal creation, Categorization of goals, Goal tracking and rewards
  • Tags:
  • Goal Setting
  • Progress Tracking
  • Motivation tools

"Goals planner" is a powerful goal achievement app that empowers you to set, track, and achieve your aspirations. This intuitive app allows you to create detailed goals with images and motivation notes, providing a personalized roadmap to success. Users praise its clean interface and flexibility, finding it invaluable for managing both long-term life goals and short-term work plans. While some users suggest adding the option to omit deadlines and improve data restoration, the app's overall ease of use and effectiveness in helping users achieve their goals is widely acknowledged.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface
  • Helps track progress
  • Flexible goal setting
  • Premium features worthwhile
  • No option for undated goals
  • Data restoration issues
  • Image viewing limitations
  • Stories feature not functional

Why we chose it?

Goals planner is a fantastic app for achieving your goals because it's super easy to use and has all the features you need to stay motivated. I love that you can set deadlines, add images, and write down your motivation for each goal, which really keeps me focused. Plus, it's completely free so there's no risk in giving it a try!

9. LifeUp

LifeUp Icon

Gamify tasks for motivation, Track progress with rewards, Build positive habits


Free (Free), LifeUp Pro ($4.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Goal Achievement App
Downloads Over Two Hundred Thousand
Features LifeUp gamifies your daily tasks with RPG-style elements, allowing you to earn experience, coins, and rewards for completing goals, improving your skills, and achieving a work-life balance.
Who It’s For Individuals seeking a fun and engaging way to boost productivity, build positive habits, and achieve their goals.
LifeUp - Gamified to-do list, Habit tracker and planner, RPG-like leveling system
  • Tags:
  • Gamified To-Do List
  • Habit Tracking
  • RPG-Style Progression

LifeUp is a revolutionary goal achievement app that transforms the way you tackle your to-dos and build positive habits. It's not just a simple checklist; it's a personalized, gamified experience that motivates you with rewards, achievements, and a customizable interface that's "unfathomably customizable" according to users. With its "HIGHLY functional home screen widgets" and the ability to tailor everything from reminders to penalties, LifeUp empowers you to craft a system that perfectly aligns with your unique goals and preferences. While some users have reported minor bugs, the app's "invaluable resource" potential is undeniable, making it a powerful tool for anyone seeking to level up their productivity and achieve their dreams.

Pros & Cons

  • Highly customizable for goals
  • Motivating with rewards system
  • Aesthetically pleasing design
  • Functional home screen widgets
  • Setup time for personalization
  • Buggy achievement tracking
  • Lack of list folding feature

Why we chose it?

LifeUp is a really fun way to achieve your goals! It turns goal setting into a game, which keeps me motivated and engaged. I love earning XP and coins for completing tasks, and using them to unlock new features and rewards. It's the perfect app for anyone who wants to make progress towards their goals in a fun and rewarding way!

10. Goal Setting Tracker Planner

Goal Setting Tracker Planner Icon

Track progress, stay motivated, Break down goals, plan steps


Free (Free), Premium ($9.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Productivity
Downloads Over two hundred thousand downloads
Features This goal achievement app offers a comprehensive goal setting system, a daily planner with habit tracking, and customizable checklists to help users stay on track.
Who It’s For Individuals seeking a structured approach to goal setting, achieving their dreams, and developing positive habits.
Goal Setting Tracker Planner - Step-by-step goal setting, Daily planner with reminders
  • Tags:
  • Goal Setting Wizard
  • Daily Progress Tracking
  • Habit Formation Tools

"Goal Setting Tracker Planner" is a powerful goal achievement app that helps users break down their aspirations into actionable steps and track their progress. This app, praised for its intuitive design and helpful systemization, allows you to craft detailed plans and monitor your daily accomplishments. While users rave about its effectiveness in fostering productivity and consistency, there are some areas that could benefit from improvement. Some users have reported issues with sorting goals by date and accurately reflecting progress on milestones, while others desire the ability to set recurring goals. Despite these minor hiccups, the app's core functionality remains strong, making it a valuable tool for anyone seeking to achieve their dreams.

Pros & Cons

  • Detailed systems for goal setting
  • Easy to track progress and stay consistent
  • Syncs seamlessly between phone and PC
  • Highly effective for habit building
  • Sorting goals by date is buggy
  • Progress percentage doesn't update correctly
  • Recurring goals are not supported

Why we chose it?

I'm absolutely in love with Goal Setting Tracker Planner! It's so much more than just a to-do list, it actually guides you through the entire process of setting and achieving goals. The app's unique daily planner and habit tracker features are super helpful, and it's super easy to use. It's the best app I've found for turning my dreams into reality!

11. Higher Goals

Higher Goals Icon

Visualize progress with dashboards, Track habits and milestones


Free (Free), Pro ($5.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Productivity
Downloads Over 173,000 downloads
Features Higher Goals provides a visually appealing dashboard for tracking habits and goals, offering customization options, progress visualization, and goal-setting tools to aid users in achieving their desired outcomes.
Who It’s For Individuals seeking a visually appealing and effective goal achievement app to track habits, set goals, and visualize progress.
Higher Goals - Customizable dashboard, Habit and goal tracking, Visual and inspiring
  • Tags:
  • Customizable dashboard
  • Habit and Goal Tracking
  • Visual progress tracking

Higher Goals is a beautifully designed goal achievement app that truly understands the nuances of tracking progress. Unlike other apps that limit you to daily or weekly tasks, Higher Goals allows you to set and track goals on a variety of time scales, from daily habits to monthly milestones to annual aspirations. Its intuitive interface and customizable features empower you to personalize your success, whether you're filling a progress bar for completing 30 books this year or tracking your meditation minutes for the month. The app even lets you set your own definitions of success, allowing you to track progress in the way that best motivates you.

Pros & Cons

  • Tracks daily, weekly, monthly habits
  • Annual goal tracking with progress bars
  • Beautiful UI, easy to use and customize
  • Excellent developer response to user feedback
  • Limited tracking units and frequency options
  • Missing specific day setting for tasks
  • Cost information not easily accessible

Why we chose it?

Higher Goals is my go-to app for achieving my goals because it's beautifully designed and easy to use. I love how I can customize the look of my dashboard to reflect my personal style and track all my progress in one place. Plus, the habit tracker helps me stay consistent with my daily routines, which is crucial for long-term success.

12. Goalify

Goalify Icon

Track progress, build streaks, Challenge friends, stay motivated


Free (Free), Premium ($4.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Productivity
Downloads Over 171,000 downloads
Features Goalify helps you track habits, manage tasks, set goals, create challenges with friends, and view progress with interactive charts and reports.
Who It’s For Goalify is perfect for individuals seeking a user-friendly goal achievement app to boost productivity and accountability.
Goalify - Track habits and goals, Create challenges with friends
  • Tags:
  • Habit Tracking
  • Goal Setting
  • Task management

Goalify is a goal achievement app that has been praised for its intuitive design, helpful features, and engaging challenge system. Users love the ability to connect with others, track their progress, and build positive habits through social interaction. While the free version provides a solid foundation, the paid version unlocks more opportunities for customization and personalized goal-setting. This app is a popular choice for individuals seeking a fun and effective way to achieve their goals, particularly for those who appreciate the ability to collaborate and motivate each other.

Pros & Cons

  • Effective for habit building
  • Social challenge system
  • Clean and intuitive interface
  • Weekly goal tracking
  • Paid version for full features
  • Lack of task reordering
  • Limited task color customization

Why we chose it?

Goalify is a fantastic app for achieving goals, and I absolutely love it! I chose Goalify because it's super easy to use and makes it fun to track my progress. It's also really motivating because it helps me see how much I've accomplished and keeps me on track. Plus, it's great for setting and achieving both big and small goals, from learning a new language to sticking to a workout routine.

13. Disciplined

Disciplined Icon

Customizable habit tracking system, Visual progress monitoring dashboards


Free (Free), Disciplined Pro ($4.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Productivity
Downloads Over 150,000 downloads
Features Disciplined helps you build lasting habits by providing custom habit tracking, visual progress monitoring, motivational streaks, reminders, and insightful analytics.
Who It’s For Disciplined is a goal achievement app perfect for anyone looking to build positive habits, stick to routines, and track their progress toward their goals.
Disciplined - Customizable Habit Creation, Visual Progress Tracking
  • Tags:
  • Habit Tracking
  • Visual Progress
  • Customization

Disciplined is a powerful goal achievement app that empowers you to build and maintain positive habits. It's designed with an intuitive, minimalistic interface, similar to the developer's other app, Prosper, making it incredibly user-friendly. Disciplined offers customization options like setting days, adding emojis, and choosing colors to personalize your goals. Users have praised the app's accessibility, with a free version that offers core features and an affordable upgrade option for those seeking additional features. One user even credits Disciplined with turning their work into a habit and improving their time management, highlighting the app's effectiveness in achieving real-world results.

Pros & Cons

  • Affordable and accessible
  • Customizable task management
  • Intuitive UI and UX
  • Helps build good habits
  • Limited color customization
  • Premium version required for full features
  • Similar to Prosper app

Why we chose it?

Disciplined is my go-to app for achieving goals because it's incredibly user-friendly and helps me stay on track. I love how easy it is to create and customize habits, and the visual progress trackers are super motivating! Plus, it helps me break down big goals into manageable steps, making them feel less daunting and more achievable.

14. Reach it

Reach it Icon

Smart goal templates for quick creation, Habit integration for aligned daily routines


Free (Free), Reach it Premium ($4.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Productivity
Downloads Over 125,000 downloads
Features Reach It helps you set goals, track habits, manage tasks, and visualize progress with custom icons, goal templates, and analytics.
Who It’s For Individuals seeking a goal achievement app to structure their daily routines, track progress, and achieve desired outcomes.
Reach it - Smart Goal Templates, Habit-Goal Integration, In-Depth Analytics
  • Tags:
  • Smart Goal Templates
  • Habit-Goal Integration
  • Task Breakdown System

Reach it is a goal achievement app that helps you turn your dreams into reality. The app's clean, attractive interface makes goal setting and tracking a breeze, but some users feel it's a bit clunky and could benefit from more flexibility in task organization. The free version offers a great starting point to test the waters, allowing users to explore its intuitive templates and habit-tracking features, but some users find the limited free plan restricts their progress. While the premium version offers more features, including unlimited goals and additional templates, the cost may be a barrier for some. Overall, Reach it has the potential to be a powerful tool for anyone looking to achieve their goals, and its ad-free nature is a welcome perk.

Pros & Cons

  • Great for goal setting
  • Clean and attractive design
  • Free version with no ads
  • Useful templates for planning
  • Limited free habit tracking
  • Reordering tasks is clunky
  • Premium version is overpriced

Why we chose it?

Reach It is my go-to app for achieving goals because it's super easy to set up and track progress. I love how I can link my daily habits to my overall goals, which keeps me motivated and on track. Plus, the sleek design and fun features make it a joy to use!

15. Greatness

Greatness Icon

Personalized habit tracker and planner, Habit building and routine management


Free (Free), Greatness Premium ($14.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Goal Achievement App
Downloads Over 100,000 Downloads
Features Greatness helps you build healthy daily habits and self-care routines with a daily planner, habit tracker, and personalized recommendations for goal achievement.
Who It’s For Individuals looking to improve their physical, mental, and emotional well-being through habit formation and routine building.
Greatness - Tailored daily planner, Science-backed habit tracker
  • Tags:
  • Personalized daily routines
  • Science-based habit tracker
  • Tailored to your lifestyle

Greatness, a mobile goal achievement app, promises a structured approach to building healthy habits and routines. While its sleek interface and compelling concept of "habit stacking" are initially appealing, users have reported significant glitches and inconsistencies that hinder the app's effectiveness. From habits being inexplicably marked complete to frustrating navigation issues, the user experience falls short of its potential. Despite the flaws, the underlying philosophy of gradual habit formation remains enticing, leaving users hopeful for future updates that address these technical shortcomings and unlock the app's true potential as a powerful tool for achieving personal goals.

Pros & Cons

  • Focuses on habit stacking
  • Provides good information content
  • Attractive interface and design
  • Aims to build healthy routines
  • App is glitchy and buggy
  • Inconsistent features and copy
  • Issues with marking habits complete

Why we chose it?

I absolutely love Greatness! It's the best goal achievement app I've used because it takes a really personalized approach. It helps me build daily habits and routines that actually stick, and I've seen huge improvements in my life as a result. I especially appreciate the focus on positive reinforcement and the detailed insights it provides to keep me motivated and on track!

16. HelloHabit

HelloHabit Icon

Habit tracking and logging, Goal setting and progress monitoring


Free (Free), Premium ($5.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Productivity
Downloads Over 60,000
Features HelloHabit empowers you to build lasting habits and achieve your goals with customizable habit tracking, detailed activity logging, goal setting, reminders, and a motivational journal.
Who It’s For Individuals seeking a comprehensive goal achievement app to track habits, set goals, and foster positive change.
HelloHabit - Personalized habit tracking, Customizable goals and reminders
  • Tags:
  • Habit Tracking
  • Goal Setting
  • Activity Logging

HelloHabit is a powerful goal achievement app that takes the stress out of habit tracking. Its user-friendly interface makes it a breeze to set up and maintain your goals, whether you're aiming to improve your fitness, learn a new language, or simply break a bad habit. Users rave about its detailed habit tracking, personalized journal entries, and motivational "days without doing a bad habit" timer. With HelloHabit, you can finally achieve your aspirations, one small step at a time.

Why we chose it?

HelloHabit is my go-to app for staying on track with my goals! It's super easy to use, and I love how it combines habit tracking, goal setting, and a handy daily journal. The built-in focus timer and reminders help me stay motivated and focused on what's important, making it a powerful tool for achieving my goals. Plus, the detailed activity logs and progress reports give me a clear picture of my progress, which is super encouraging!

17. Habit Hunter

Habit Hunter Icon

Gamified goal tracking for fun, Break down goals into tasks, Visualize progress with RPG theme


Free (Free), Premium ($4.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Productivity
Downloads Over 53,000 downloads
Features Habit Hunter helps you set and track goals, break them down into tasks, and visualize progress with gamification elements to keep you motivated.
Who It’s For Anyone looking for a fun and engaging way to achieve their goals and build good habits.
Habit Hunter - Gamified goal tracking, Task breakdown into milestones
  • Tags:
  • Goal Tracking
  • Habit Building
  • Gamified progress

Habit Hunter is a fun and engaging goal achievement app that gamifies your progress, turning your daily tasks into a thrilling RPG adventure. The app lets you visualize your journey with a map, battle monsters, and collect rewards as you conquer your goals. Users love the unique motivational aspect, but some have suggested features like customizable hero options and more flexible scheduling to enhance the experience. While the app is still in its early stages, it already offers a compelling way to stay on track and achieve your dreams.

Pros & Cons

  • Gamified approach to habits
  • Visual progress tracking on map
  • Engaging with monster battles
  • Fun and motivating to use
  • Lack of accountability system
  • Fixed daily reset at midnight
  • Limited hero customization options

Why we chose it?

Habit Hunter is a total game-changer for me! It's like having a personal cheerleader and a super-organized planner all rolled into one. I love how it gamifies my goals, turning boring tasks into fun quests. Plus, it's super easy to use and helps me stay motivated to reach my full potential!

18. haatch.

haatch. Icon

Track progress towards your goals, Habit tracker with reminders and streaks


Free (Free), Premium ($6.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Productivity
Downloads Over 43,000 downloads
Features haatch. offers goal setting, habit tracking, progress monitoring, personalized plans, visual dashboards, reminders, and motivational tools.
Who It’s For Individuals seeking a comprehensive goal achievement app to help them achieve their goals and build lasting habits.
haatch. - Smart goal setting, Personalized tracking, Motivating challenges
  • Tags:
  • Goal Setting
  • Habit Tracking
  • Stay Focused

Tired of struggling to reach your goals and keep up with your habits? "Haatch.", a beautifully designed goal achievement app, offers a unique blend of elegant aesthetics and robust functionality. Users rave about its unlimited habit tracking options, seamless syncing, and motivational features like peer accountability and achievement badges. While some users wish for more customization options like custom units and quicker habit completion marking, "Haatch." stands out as a well-crafted tool that empowers individuals to cultivate lasting change and achieve their dreams.

Pros & Cons

  • Elegant design and intuitive UI
  • Unlimited habits and tracking options
  • Sync option for cross-device access
  • Motivational design and achievement badges
  • Lack of custom units for goals
  • No quick buttons for adding values
  • Limited undo functionality for input errors

Why we chose it?

I absolutely love haatch. for achieving my goals! It's super intuitive and helps me stay motivated with its powerful goal-setting features and habit tracking system. Plus, the beautiful interface makes it a joy to use every day. If you're serious about reaching your dreams, haatch. is the app for you!

19. WinGo Plan

WinGo Plan Icon

Visualize progress, stay motivated, Set deadlines, track time


Free (Free), Pro ($4.99/month)


Android iOS

Application information

Category Productivity
Downloads Over 35,000 downloads
Features WinGo Plan is a goal achievement app that allows you to plan, track, and visualize progress towards your goals, with features like task lists, deadlines, milestones, and progress tracking.
Who It’s For Anyone seeking a visual, motivating, and effective way to achieve their goals, whether personal or professional.
WinGo Plan - Simple and visual, Boost motivation, Track deadlines
  • Tags:
  • Simple Planning
  • Visual progress tracking
  • Gamified Motivation

WinGo Plan is a goal achievement app that empowers you to visualize and track your progress towards your goals. Users love the simple yet effective design, praising it for being "great to use" and "highly recommend" for those starting new projects and needing organization. With its visual timeline and progress management, WinGo Plan helps you stay motivated and on track, acting as a valuable complement to other task and note management tools. While users appreciate its visual representation, they've also voiced a need for the ability to copy projects and tasks for greater flexibility.

Pros & Cons

  • Simple, easy to use
  • Great for goal setting
  • Excellent milestone tracker
  • Visual progress management
  • Cannot copy projects
  • Task copying limitation
  • Lacks advanced features

Why we chose it?

WinGo Plan is my go-to app for staying on track with my goals! I love how it lets me visualize my progress with a fun, motivating interface. The deadlines feature helps me stay accountable and focused, and I appreciate how it prioritizes tasks by importance, not just time. WinGo Plan is a great tool for anyone who wants to achieve big things, and it's definitely worth checking out!

20. Octopus

Octopus Icon

Goal setting and tracking, Habit building and monitoring, Time management and scheduling


Free (Free), Premium ($4.99/month)



Application information

Category Productivity
Downloads Over 24,000 downloads
Features Octopus empowers users with goal setting, task management, habit tracking, routine creation, and a journal for reflection to achieve their desired outcomes.
Who It’s For Individuals seeking a comprehensive goal achievement app to enhance their productivity, manage their time, and track their progress.
Octopus - Goal Setting, Time Management, Habit Tracking
  • Tags:
  • Goal Setting
  • Time Management
  • Habit Tracking

Octopus is a game-changer for those seeking a streamlined and powerful goal achievement app. It packs a surprising amount of functionality into a user-friendly interface, allowing you to seamlessly manage tasks, events, habits, and even track your progress towards larger goals. The app has earned praise for its intuitive design, making it incredibly easy to navigate and utilize its diverse features. While some users desire additional features like widget support and improved reminders, Octopus remains a strong contender in the goal achievement app space, offering a comprehensive platform to help you conquer your aspirations.

Pros & Cons

  • All-in-one goal achievement
  • User-friendly and simple
  • Packs many capabilities
  • Excellent UI and design
  • No widget support yet
  • Reminders lack alarm functionality
  • Journaling tool is basic

Why we chose it?

Octopus is my go-to app for goal achievement because it's so much more than just a to-do list. It helps me break down my big dreams into manageable steps, track my progress, and stay motivated with its built-in habit tracker and daily affirmations. The flexible scheduling and reminder system keeps me on track and helps me achieve my goals in a way that feels good for me!