12 Best apps to pay off debt on mobile

Paying off debt can feel like a huge drag, but it doesn't have to be. There are tons of amazing apps that make managing your money and crushing those debts way easier! This list breaks down the 12 best debt payoff apps, complete with their unique features, so you can choose the perfect one for your needs.

From tracking your spending to setting up automatic payments, these apps have you covered. You'll want to check out NerdWallet for personalized debt payoff plans, Bill Payment Organizer for consolidating all your bills in one place, and Budget, Bright for creating a clear budget and seeing your progress in real-time. Get ready to take control of your finances and watch those debts shrink!

App Logo Available On Reviews Downloads Features
1. NerdWallet NerdWallet Icon Android, iOS 4.8/5 2M+ Track all accounts, Monitor credit score, Get personalized tips
2. Bill Payment Organizer, Budget Bill Payment Organizer, Budget Icon Android, iOS 4.6/5 1M+ Bill payment organizer, Budget planner, Expense tracker
3. Bright Bright Icon Android, iOS 5/5 997K+ Consolidate multiple debt, Build Credit, Personalized money plans
4. Tally Tally Icon Android, iOS 4.4/5 960K+ Automated debt management, Debt consolidation, Lower-interest credit line
5. Debt Payoff Planner & Tracker Debt Payoff Planner & Tracker Icon Android, iOS 4.7/5 617K+ Customized debt repayment schedule, Calculates debt-free date
6. Debt Planner & Calculator Debt Planner & Calculator Icon Android, iOS 3.7/5 115K+ Calculates debt payoff time, Supports up to 6 debts
7. Changed Changed Icon Android 3.4/5 56K+ Round up spare change, Pay down debt faster, Save money automatically
12 Best apps to pay off debt on mobile

1. NerdWallet

NerdWallet Icon

Track spending and income, Create custom debt payoff plans, Get personalized financial advice


Application information

Category Finance
Downloads Over 1.8 million
Features The NerdWallet app offers debt tracking, budgeting tools, credit score monitoring, personalized insights, and goal-setting features to help you manage your finances and pay off debt.
Who It’s For Individuals looking for a comprehensive app to help them manage their finances and pay off debt.
NerdWallet - Track all accounts, Monitor credit score, Get personalized tips
  • Tags:
  • Budget Tracking
  • Expense Monitoring
  • Credit Score Insights

NerdWallet, once a champion in the "app to pay off debt" arena, has sadly fallen from grace. While it initially offered a comprehensive solution for tracking spending, managing budgets, and even finding the right credit cards, the app has become increasingly unreliable. Users have reported persistent issues with account connectivity, missing transactions, and inaccurate data, making it difficult to gain a true picture of their financial situation. The once intuitive interface now feels cluttered and confusing, with frustrating glitches and misleading information further adding to the user's frustration. While it's a far cry from its former glory, some users are clinging to NerdWallet as a last resort, particularly since its main competitor, Mint, has faced similar issues.

Pros & Cons

  • Helps track spending
  • Provides credit score
  • Offers debt management tools
  • Can help find best credit cards
  • Inaccurate account data
  • Limited account compatibility
  • Cluttered and confusing UI
  • Misleading credit score info

Why we chose it?

NerdWallet is a great choice for debt payoff because it combines budgeting tools with powerful debt management features. I love that it helps me visualize my progress with debt payoff goals and provides personalized insights to help me get out of debt faster. It's also super user-friendly and easy to set up, so you can start tackling your debt right away!

✨ Read more: app to pay bills online

2. Bill Payment Organizer, Budget

Bill Payment Organizer, Budget Icon

Track spending and income, Create detailed budgets, Schedule bill payments


Free (Free), Premium ($4.99/month)


Application information

Category Finance
Downloads Over 1 million downloads
Features This app helps you track expenses, create a budget, schedule bill payments, set savings goals, and manage your debt.
Who It’s For People looking for an app to pay off debt, track spending, and manage their finances.
Bill Payment Organizer, Budget - Bill payment organizer, Budget planner, Expense tracker
  • Tags:
  • Bill Payment Organizer
  • Budget Planner
  • Expense Tracker

"Bill Payment Organizer, Budget" is a game-changer for anyone looking for an app to pay off debt. This powerful tool combines a clear list view with a calendar view, letting you stay on top of every bill and payment. The free version is surprisingly robust, with a dedicated "paid" button for each bill, ensuring you're always up-to-date. While the budget feature requires some manual input, the app's comprehensive data makes it easy to track spending habits and visualize progress toward financial goals. It's clear why many users have been relying on this app for years, finding it an invaluable aid in their debt-free journey.

Pros & Cons

  • List and calendar views
  • Easy bill payment tracking
  • Great for organizing bills
  • Helpful for tracking spending habits
  • Budgeting process is obtuse
  • No paid off button for credit
  • No option for revolving credit

Why we chose it?

I've been using TimelyBills to pay off debt for a while now, and it's been a game-changer! It's so easy to track my spending and see where my money is going, which helps me stay on budget and focus on debt repayment. I love the bill reminders and the budgeting tools, which are super helpful for staying organized and making sure I'm on top of my finances. The best part is that it's super user-friendly and has helped me make significant progress towards my debt-free goals!

✨ Read more: app for noting expenses

3. Bright

Bright Icon

Consolidate debt into one line, Build credit with secured line


Application information

Category Finance
Downloads Almost a million downloads
Features Bright is an app that lets you consolidate debt, build credit with a secured line of credit, and get personalized budgeting tools powered by AI.
Who It’s For People looking for an app to pay off debt and improve their credit score.
Bright - Consolidate multiple debt, Build Credit, Personalized money plans
  • Tags:
  • Debt Consolidation
  • Credit Building
  • Personalized plans

Bright is a mobile app that takes the stress out of managing multiple credit cards and helps you get on track to pay off debt. It consolidates all your cards into one place, allowing you to see due dates and make payments with ease. While users rave about its convenience and ability to automate payments, some find the Plaid connection finicky, and there are occasional issues with losing connection to accounts. Overall, Bright is a powerful tool for anyone looking to simplify their debt management and reach their financial goals.

Pros & Cons

  • Manages multiple cards
  • Pays on time
  • Systematic goal setting
  • Helpful for debt payoff
  • Plaid connection issues
  • Incomplete account info
  • Inaccurate algorithm
  • Frequent connection loss

Why we chose it?

I'm a big fan of Bright for paying off debt! It's super easy to use and really helps me stay on track with my goals. Plus, I love that they offer a personalized budgeting tool to help me understand my spending habits and make smarter choices.

✨ Read more: app for bill splitting

4. Tally

Tally Icon

Consolidates credit card payments, Lowers interest rates on debt


Application information

Category Finance
Downloads Almost a million downloads
Features Tally helps you pay off debt faster by consolidating credit card payments into a single, lower-interest line of credit, eliminating late fees, and automatically making payments.
Who It’s For People looking for an app to pay off debt faster by managing and consolidating their credit card payments.
Tally - Automated debt management, Debt consolidation, Lower-interest credit line
  • Tags:
  • Automated debt manager
  • Save money and time
  • Consolidate credit cards

Tally is a powerful app to pay off debt that takes the stress out of managing multiple credit cards. It's not just about consolidation; Tally analyzes your cards, prioritizes the highest interest rates, and automatically makes payments from its own line of credit. One user, frustrated by high-interest consolidation loans, found Tally a breath of fresh air, getting an 8k loan in just half an hour. While some users wish for higher credit limits, the overall consensus is that Tally's simple setup and automated payments make a significant difference in tackling debt and boosting credit scores.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use app
  • Simplifies debt repayment
  • Pays highest APR first
  • Helps improve credit score
  • Limited credit limit offered
  • May not be suitable for all
  • Not a stand-alone solution

Why we chose it?

Tally is my go-to app for tackling debt, and it's a true game-changer! It helps me consolidate my credit card payments into a single, lower-interest bill, saving me a ton on interest and late fees. Plus, the automated payment system takes the stress out of debt management, letting me focus on the big picture of becoming debt-free.

✨ Read more: app for allowance

5. Debt Payoff Planner & Tracker

Debt Payoff Planner & Tracker Icon

Track progress and stay motivated, Customize payment strategy and schedule


Free Plan (Free), Premium ($4.99/month (billed annually))


Application information

App Name Debt Payoff Planner & Tracker
Category Finance
Downloads Over 600,000 downloads
Features This app helps you create a personalized debt payoff plan, track your progress, and visualize your debt-free date with features like loan calculators, debt payoff strategies, and progress trackers.
Who Its For Anyone looking for an app to pay off debt and gain financial freedom.
Debt Payoff Planner & Tracker - Customized debt repayment schedule, Calculates debt-free date
  • Tags:
  • Customized Debt Repayment
  • Debt Payoff Strategies
  • Easy Loan Calculator

The Debt Payoff Planner & Tracker app is a simple yet powerful tool for anyone looking to conquer their debt. Users rave about its ability to follow Dave Ramsey's debt snowball method, making the process of paying down debt feel manageable and motivating. While some users have experienced frustrating bugs causing the app to freeze or struggle with date updates, they still find the app's simplicity and ease of use to be a huge benefit. Despite these glitches, the app's core functionality – helping you create a plan and track your progress – remains a powerful motivator in the journey to becoming debt-free.

Pros & Cons

  • Simple & easy to use
  • Follows Dave Ramsey's method
  • Helps track debt progress
  • Motivates users to pay off debt
  • Prone to crashing & freezing
  • Date editing issues exist
  • Lacks comparison feature for debt strategies

Why we chose it?

I love Debt Payoff Planner! It's super easy to use, and I really appreciate how it helps me visualize my progress. The app lets me set a budget, track my payments, and see how much interest I'm saving with each extra payment. Plus, it gives me a clear timeline for becoming debt-free, which keeps me motivated! If you're looking for a simple, yet powerful app to help you crush your debt, give Debt Payoff Planner a try.

✨ Read more: app for check register

6. Debt Planner & Calculator

Debt Planner & Calculator Icon

Organize and plan your debt, Track your debt payoff progress


Free (Free), Premium ($9.99/month)


Application information

Category Finance
Downloads Over 100,000 downloads
Features Track multiple debts, plan payoff strategies, manage bank accounts, calculate interest, set payment reminders, and visualize progress.
Who It’s For Individuals looking for an app to pay off debt faster and more efficiently.
Debt Planner & Calculator - Calculates debt payoff time, Supports up to 6 debts
  • Tags:
  • Debt Organization
  • Monthly Finance Plan
  • Payoff Strategy Guide

"Debt Planner & Calculator" is the ultimate app for taking control of your finances and crushing your debt. This powerful tool lets you meticulously track both your debts and bank account balances, all without the need for internet access. You'll love the ability to manually input your information, create a personalized debt payoff plan, and even see exactly how much interest you're paying each month. It's like having a personal financial advisor right in your pocket! While the app currently focuses on individual debt management, the user feedback suggests a future where couples can manage their finances together, making it even more versatile and powerful.

Pros & Cons

  • Track debts and balances
  • Manual tracking, no internet
  • Debt payoff plan included
  • View interest payments monthly
  • No separate lists for users
  • Limited customization options
  • Basic interface, could be better

Why we chose it?

This app is a lifesaver for anyone trying to conquer their debt! It's incredibly easy to use, and I love that it lets me track multiple debts with different payoff strategies. The built-in banking ledger is a game-changer, helping me stay on top of my cash flow and make sure I'm prioritizing debt payments. It's clear, concise, and gives you a plan to attack your debt, which is exactly what I needed.

7. Changed

Changed Icon

Round up spare change, Pay down various debts, Save with Stash My Cash


Application information

Category Finance
Downloads Over 56,000 downloads
Features Changed is an app to pay off debt that automatically rounds up your purchases and uses the spare change to pay down your debt.
Who It’s For People with debt who want to pay it off faster and save money.
Changed - Round up spare change, Pay down debt faster, Save money automatically
  • Tags:
  • Round Up Spare Change
  • Pay Down Debt Faster
  • Effortless Savings

Changed is an app to pay off debt that aims to help you chip away at your loans using your spare change. The app rounds up your purchases and automatically sends the difference to your designated debt account. While users appreciate the concept and the potential to make a dent in their debt, they've voiced concerns about the app's slow transaction processing and lack of user-friendliness. Some users feel that setting up a separate savings account and manually transferring funds could be a more efficient way to achieve the same goal. Ultimately, Changed offers a novel approach to debt repayment, but improvements in speed and user experience are necessary to fully capitalize on its potential.

Pros & Cons

  • Automates debt repayment
  • Rounds up purchases
  • Saves spare change
  • Simplifies debt management
  • Slow transaction updates
  • Overly complicated interface
  • Limited account functionality

Why we chose it?

Hey, I love Changed! It's super easy to set up and I don't have to worry about budgeting or moving money around. The round-up feature is awesome - I've already paid down a chunk of my student loans without even thinking about it!

8. Debt Tracker

Debt Tracker Icon

Track loans and repayments, Monitor debt payoff progress, Maintain detailed debt records


Free (Free), Premium ($4.99/month)


Application information

Category Finance
Downloads Over 29,000 downloads
Features Debt Tracker is a comprehensive tool to manage personal debts, helping you keep track of who owes you money and your own debt payments.
Who It’s For Anyone looking for an app to pay off debt and effectively manage their personal finances.
Debt Tracker - Tracks debts owed to you, Manages debts you owe, Detailed debt history
  • Tags:
  • Easy debt tracking
  • Manages multiple debts
  • Detailed debt history

If you're tired of juggling spreadsheets and feeling overwhelmed by debt, Debt Tracker is the simple and effective app to pay off debt you've been searching for. Users rave about its clean design and ease of use, focusing on the essentials without unnecessary clutter. Debt Tracker lets you easily track who owes you money and who you owe, keeping your financial picture clear and organized. While some users wish for more customization, like adding a photo of a receipt, the app's core focus on simplicity resonates with many who are seeking a straightforward solution to tackle their debts.

Pros & Cons

  • Simple and easy to use
  • Clean design, no extra clutter
  • Perfect for managing debt
  • Focuses on debt payoff
  • Lacks receipt upload feature
  • Interface not intuitive for some
  • Contact field instead of just name

Why we chose it?

Debt Tracker is a lifesaver for anyone looking to get a handle on their finances! It's super user-friendly, letting you easily track who owes you money and who you owe. Its clear visual displays and detailed breakdowns of each debt really help you stay motivated to pay things off. Plus, it's completely free, so you can start taking control of your debt without any added stress!

9. EzDebt Book

EzDebt Book Icon

Record debts with attachments, Cloud sync for data safety, Personalized notification reminders


Free (Free), Premium ($4.99/month)


Application information

Category Finance
Downloads Over 22,000
Features EzDebt Book helps you manage and track your debts, record loans, schedule reminders, and visualize your progress towards financial freedom.
Who It’s For Individuals seeking an app to pay off debt, manage loans, and keep track of financial obligations.
EzDebt Book - Record with Attachments, Cloud Syncing, Security Protection
  • Tags:
  • Easy Loan Tracking
  • Secure Data Protection
  • Convenient Profile Management

EzDebt Book is a powerful mobile app designed to help you conquer your debts. This user-friendly tool allows you to meticulously track every detail of your loans and repayments, complete with attachments and even the ability to export your data into a convenient PDF format. Users praise its ease of use, noting that it's a "perfect app" for keeping track of both money owed to them and money they owe to others. While the app excels in its organization, some users have requested features like the ability to change currency for multi-currency transactions and a "select from contacts" button for editing contact profiles. Overall, EzDebt Book is a robust and flexible app that offers a personalized approach to debt management, making it an ideal choice for anyone looking to take control of their finances.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use and track debts
  • Detailed records with PDF export
  • Convenient reminders and sharing
  • Lightweight and easy to use
  • Random transaction order confusing
  • Missing currency selection feature
  • No contact selection for editing

Why we chose it?

Hey there! EzDebt Book is my go-to for keeping track of my debts and getting organized. I love how it lets me record every detail, from the amount owed to important dates, and even upload receipts. Plus, the built-in reminders are a lifesaver! No more forgetting about payments! It's like having a personal debt manager in my pocket, making it super easy to stay on top of my finances.

10. Debt Free Box

Debt Free Box Icon

Plan debt payoff strategies, Track progress toward goals, Visualize debt reduction


Free Plan (Free), Premium Plan ($4.99/month)


Application information

Category Finance
Downloads Over 13,000 downloads
Features The app allows users to create a personalized debt payoff plan, track progress, and calculate interest savings with different repayment strategies.
Who It’s For Anyone looking for a simple and effective app to pay off debt.
Debt Free Box - Track debts in one place, Create payoff plans, Stay motivated
  • Tags:
  • Easy to use
  • Debt payoff management
  • Debt tracking

Debt Free Box is a powerful app to pay off debt that simplifies the process and keeps you motivated. This app provides a clear overview of all your debts in one place, allowing you to easily track your progress and visualize your debt-free date. Users praise its intuitive design, which makes it easy to see future balances and stay on track. While some users wish for more customization options, like the ability to reorder debts or add transaction details, the core functionality of Debt Free Box provides a solid foundation for effectively tackling debt.

Pros & Cons

  • Simple and clear debt tracking
  • Easy progress visualization
  • Motivational future balance estimates
  • Great for debt payoff planning
  • Limited debt ordering options
  • Lacks dark mode and quality of life features
  • Excessive validation and data entry requirements

Why we chose it?

I love Debt Free Box for paying off debt! It's super easy to use and really helped me get organized. I like that it lets me choose the snowball or avalanche method to tackle my debts, and it keeps me motivated with progress updates. It's the perfect tool for anyone who wants to take control of their finances and become debt-free!

11. My Debt Manager

My Debt Manager Icon

Track debts with ease, Manage multiple loans, Visualize debt progress


Free (Free), Premium ($4.99/month)


Application information

Category Finance
Downloads Over 10,000
Features My Debt Manager helps you track and manage all your loans, both personal and business, with features for recording payments, due dates, remaining balances, and even recurring payments.
Who It’s For My Debt Manager is the perfect app to pay off debt for anyone who frequently borrows or lends money, whether for personal or business purposes.
My Debt Manager - Recurring payment tracking, Debt AI Chat support, Automatic data backup
  • Tags:
  • Debt tracking
  • Payment reminders
  • Easy Interface

My Debt Manager is the ultimate app to pay off debt, praised for its intuitive design and practical features. Users rave about its smooth animations and user-friendly interface, making managing debt a breeze. One user even described it as "the best debt manager I've been looking for 💯💯," highlighting its effectiveness in taking control of finances. Although some users have reported recent access issues, the app's solid reputation and user-friendly design make it a powerful tool for tackling debt.

Pros & Cons

  • Best debt manager app
  • Practical app with nice animation
  • Cool transitions and loading ui/ux
  • Good app for debt management
  • Unable to access app since 16/06/2021
  • App functionality may be unreliable
  • Potential issues with app availability

Why we chose it?

My Debt Manager is a lifesaver for anyone looking to get a handle on their finances! I love how easy it is to track all my debts in one place, and the color-coded system makes it super clear what I owe and what's owed to me. Plus, the recurring payment feature is a game-changer for managing those bills that come every month. With its simple design and powerful features, My Debt Manager is the perfect app to help you conquer those debts and get your finances on track!

12. Debt Payoff Manager & Tracker

Debt Payoff Manager & Tracker Icon

Track money owed and loaned, Overdue reminders and notifications


Free (Free), Premium ($4.99/month)


Application information

Category Finance
Downloads Almost 5,000 downloads
Features This app helps you track your debts, manage payments, and calculate interest, including simple, compound, and current loan interest.
Who It’s For Anyone looking for an app to pay off debt by keeping track of their debts, managing payments, and calculating interest.
Debt Payoff Manager & Tracker - Overdue reminders, Cross-platform backup, Creditor/debtor statistics
  • Tags:
  • Debt tracking
  • Loan management
  • Interest Calculations

"Debt Payoff Manager & Tracker" is a powerful mobile app designed to help you conquer your debt. This app makes it easy to keep track of all your outstanding debts, whether you owe money to individuals or businesses. It provides a clear view of your financial obligations, allowing you to prioritize payments and track your progress towards becoming debt-free. With its intuitive interface and accurate compound interest calculations, "Debt Payoff Manager & Tracker" empowers you to take control of your finances and create a plan for a brighter financial future.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy and clean user interface
  • Accurate compound interest calculation
  • Track money owed and loaned
  • Helpful for debt payoff planning
  • Lacks multiple user linking
  • Limited debt consolidation options
  • No debtor record combination feature

Why we chose it?

Debt Payoff Manager & Tracker is a lifesaver for anyone serious about tackling their debt! It's super easy to use and keeps track of all my loans, interest payments, and even allows for reminders to avoid late fees. I love that it lets me see how much I've paid down over time and it's a great motivator to stay on track. You can even create custom reports to share with your financial advisor!