Best of 20 drink water apps on mobile

Staying hydrated is key, but sometimes remembering to drink enough water can be a real struggle. Luckily, there are tons of awesome water-drinking apps available to help you reach your hydration goals! These apps are super easy to use and offer all sorts of fun features to keep you motivated.

We’ve tested out a bunch of different apps and narrowed it down to the top 20, including the Water Drink Reminder, Water Reminder, and Water Time Tracker & Reminder. These apps are super popular for a reason! They help you set reminders, track your water intake, and even make drinking water more fun with challenges and rewards.

App Logo Available On Reviews Downloads Features
1. Water Drink Reminder Water Drink Reminder Icon Android 4.6/5 30M+ Erinnerung ans Wassertrinken, Einfache Gewichtsangabe
2. Water Reminder Water Reminder Icon Android, iOS 4.9/5 24M+ Erinnert dich ans Wassertrinken, Berechnet deinen Tagesbedarf
3. Water Time Tracker & Reminder Water Time Tracker & Reminder Icon Android, iOS 4.5/5 9M+ Personalisierte Trinkerinnerungen, Engagierendes Design
4. Plant Nanny Plant Nanny Icon Android, iOS 4.7/5 5M+ Personalisierter Trinkplan, Süße Pflanzen zum Sammeln
5. Drink Water Reminder Drink Water Reminder Icon Android 4.6/5 4M+ Seguimiento de consumo, Recordatorios personalizados
6. Water Tracker Water Tracker Icon Android 4.5/5 3M+ Erinnerung ans Trinken, Personalisierte Ziele, Integration mit Fitnesstrackern
7. BeWet BeWet Icon Android 4.6/5 2M+ Erinnerungen zum Wassertrinken, Hydrierungstracker
Best of 20 drink water apps on mobile

1. Water Drink Reminder

Water Drink Reminder Icon

Personalized water intake goals, Drink reminders throughout the day


Free (Free), Premium ($2.99/month)


Application information

Category Health & Fitness
Downloads Over 29 million downloads
Features This drink water app provides customizable reminders, tracks your water intake, calculates daily water goals based on your weight and activity level, and offers motivational tips and achievements.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants to stay hydrated and improve their overall health.
Water Drink Reminder - Erinnerung ans Wassertrinken, Einfache Gewichtsangabe

"Water Drink Reminder" is a popular drink water app that helps users stay hydrated throughout the day. It boasts a sleek design and intuitive interface, making it easy to track your water intake. Users appreciate the app's customizable reminders and the ability to log their water consumption directly from their smartwatch, although some have reported issues with this feature. Despite these hiccups, many users, like one who used it for 1.5 years, attest to the positive impact it has on their overall health and well-being, highlighting the significant difference regular water consumption can make. While some users have encountered minor bugs, like the unit conversion issue, the app's developers are responsive to feedback and continually work to improve the user experience.

Pros & Cons

  • Reminds you to drink water
  • Keeps track of water intake
  • Simple and easy to use
  • Improves hydration and well-being
  • Notifications can be annoying
  • Data loss can occur
  • Unit conversion issue exists

Why we chose it?

I've tried a bunch of water-tracking apps, and Water Drink Reminder is hands down my favorite! It's super easy to use, with customizable reminders that keep me on track throughout the day. Plus, the sleek design and progress tracking features make staying hydrated feel like a game – and who doesn't love that?

2. Water Reminder

Water Reminder Icon

Personalized daily water goal, Water intake tracking and history


Free (Free), Premium ($2.99/month)


Application information

Category Health & Fitness
Downloads Over 24 million downloads
Features This drink water app provides personalized water intake reminders, tracks your water consumption, helps you stay hydrated, and sets customizable goals.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants to stay hydrated and improve their health through regular water intake.
Water Reminder - Erinnert dich ans Wassertrinken, Berechnet deinen Tagesbedarf
  • Tags:
  • Water intake tracker
  • Hydration reminders
  • Personalized hydration plan

"Water Reminder" is a drink water app that helps you stay hydrated throughout the day. It's easy to use and encourages you to reach your daily water goal. You can customize the app to fit your needs, from setting your ideal water intake to choosing your preferred units of measurement. While the notifications are gentle and unobtrusive, the app may not be ideal for those who prefer a more forceful alarm. Users appreciate the app's simplicity and helpfulness in tracking their water intake, with suggestions for improvements like a widget for quicker logging and more customizable schedule options.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use
  • Encouraging and customizable
  • Non-invasive notifications
  • Simple and helpful
  • No widget for water intake
  • No option to remove optimizer
  • Does not adjust day accordingly

Why we chose it?

Water Reminder is my go-to app for staying hydrated! It's super easy to use, with customizable reminders that make sure I'm drinking enough throughout the day. Plus, I love that it tracks my water intake and gives me fun achievements to keep me motivated. You really can't go wrong with Water Reminder!

3. Water Time Tracker & Reminder

Water Time Tracker & Reminder Icon

Customizable drink reminders, Engaging design and interface, Comprehensive water intake diary


Free (Free), Premium ($2.99/month)


Application information

Category Health & Fitness
Downloads Over 9 million downloads
Features This drink water app helps you stay hydrated with personalized reminders, detailed water tracking, and customizable settings.
Who It’s For Ideal for anyone who wants to improve their water intake and overall health.
Water Time Tracker & Reminder - Personalisierte Trinkerinnerungen, Engagierendes Design
  • Tags:
  • Personalized Reminders
  • Hydration Tracking
  • Engaging Interface

"Water Time Tracker & Reminder" is a delightful drink water app that gently nudges you towards your hydration goals. Its simplicity and customization are key strengths, allowing you to choose from a variety of drinks, tailor your daily water intake based on your weight, and even personalize the notification sounds. The app's charming design, featuring a cute little face that reacts to your hydration progress, adds a touch of whimsy and makes staying hydrated feel like a fun challenge. While some users have expressed concerns about recent updates impacting notification functionality and duplicate reminders, the core features remain valuable for those seeking a straightforward and engaging way to track their water intake.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface
  • Customizable drink options
  • Non-intrusive notifications
  • Cute and motivating design
  • Reminder duplication issues
  • Frustrating reminder style
  • Ads can be annoying

Why we chose it?

I'm absolutely smitten with Water Time Tracker & Reminder! It's not just another app that nags you to drink water – it's a delightful companion that makes staying hydrated fun and effortless. The adorable assistant and customizable reminders make it a breeze to stick to my water goals, and I love seeing my progress with the detailed water diary. This app is the best way to ensure I'm always drinking enough!

4. Plant Nanny

Plant Nanny Icon

Cute plants motivate hydration goals, Personalized water intake schedule


Free (Free), Plant Nanny Pro ($4.99/month (USD))


Application information

Category Health & Fitness
Downloads Over 5 million downloads
Features Plant Nanny uses adorable virtual plants and personalized water tracking to help you stay hydrated with reminders and progress reports.
Who It’s For People who want to drink more water, develop healthy habits, and enjoy a fun and engaging experience.
Plant Nanny - Personalisierter Trinkplan, Süße Pflanzen zum Sammeln
  • Tags:
  • Personalized hydration plan
  • Adorable Plant Companions
  • Gamified Water Tracking

Plant Nanny is a charming drink water app that uses adorable plant avatars and calming music to motivate you to stay hydrated. While its initial appeal lies in its cute aesthetics and effective reminders, some users have reported lagging issues and occasional crashes, which can hinder the app's effectiveness in the long run. Although the app's core functionality of reminding you to drink water remains, some users have found that the reminders become less consistent after a period of time, which can diminish its overall impact.

Pros & Cons

  • Cute art and design
  • Reminds you to drink
  • Calming music and UI
  • Helpful for hydration
  • Slow to start and laggy
  • Interface is slow and clunky
  • Crashes frequently on some devices

Why we chose it?

I absolutely adore Plant Nanny! It's so much more than just a water tracker - it's a fun, engaging way to stay hydrated. I love that my virtual plants thrive when I hit my water goals, and the app's cute graphics and personalized reminders make drinking water a joyful habit!

5. Drink Water Reminder

Drink Water Reminder Icon

Personalized daily water goal, Timely drink reminders throughout day


Free (Free), Premium ($4.99/month)


Application information

Category Health & Fitness
Downloads Over 3.8 million downloads
Features This drink water app reminds you to stay hydrated with customizable reminders, tracks your daily water intake, and provides helpful tips and information about the benefits of drinking water.
Who It’s For People who want to improve their water intake, stay hydrated, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Drink Water Reminder - Seguimiento de consumo, Recordatorios personalizados
  • Tags:
  • Daily Hydration Tracking
  • Personalized hydration plan
  • Hydration reminders

"Drink Water Reminder" is a straightforward and charming drink water app designed to help you stay hydrated throughout the day. While some users find its simple interface and timely reminders invaluable, others have expressed frustration with a recent feature that discourages over-drinking with a "bloated face" icon. Despite this negative sentiment, many users praise the app's effectiveness, with one user highlighting how it dramatically improved their water intake and overall well-being. The app's dedication to consistent and timely notifications ensures you're reminded to drink, even during busy work shifts, making it a reliable companion for anyone aiming to improve their hydration habits.

Pros & Cons

  • Simple and effective
  • Reminds you to drink
  • Helps improve hydration
  • Reliable notifications
  • Bloated face feature
  • Premium version is costly
  • Premium version unnecessary

Why we chose it?

I absolutely love Drink Water Reminder! It's super easy to use and does a fantastic job of reminding me to stay hydrated throughout the day. I love the customizable reminders and the fact that it tracks my daily water intake, which helps me stay on top of my hydration goals. If you're looking for a simple and effective app to help you drink more water, this is the one!

6. Water Tracker

Water Tracker Icon

Personalized daily hydration goals, Water intake tracking and reminders


Free (Free), Premium ($2.99/month)


Application information

Category Health & Fitness
Downloads Over 2.6 Million Downloads
Features This drink water app reminds you to hydrate throughout the day, tracks your intake, sets personalized goals, syncs with fitness trackers, and provides motivational tips.
Who It’s For Anyone looking to improve their hydration habits and overall health.
Water Tracker - Erinnerung ans Trinken, Personalisierte Ziele, Integration mit Fitnesstrackern
  • Tags:
  • Personalized hydration plan
  • Smart Hydration Reminders
  • Water Intake Tracking

The Water Tracker is a mobile drink water app that effectively reminds you to stay hydrated throughout the day. While it excels at its core function of prompting water intake, users have expressed concerns about intrusive advertising and recent changes to the app's interface. Some users have noted that the new update has introduced confusing translations and less intuitive information display, leading to a preference for the previous version's clarity. Despite these drawbacks, the app remains a valuable tool for those looking to increase their water consumption, as it helps users reach their hydration goals, even with the new features.

Pros & Cons

  • Effective hydration reminders
  • Helps you drink more water
  • Tracks water intake easily
  • New refill reminder option
  • Invasive and frequent ads
  • Translation issues in new update
  • Less informative than previous version

Why we chose it?

I'm obsessed with Water Tracker! It's the best water reminder app I've ever used because it's super customizable and makes drinking water fun. You can set reminders, track your intake, and even connect it with other health apps to get a complete picture of your well-being. Plus, the cute water bottle graphics make staying hydrated feel like a game!

7. BeWet

BeWet Icon

Personalized hydration reminders, Track daily water intake, Monitor weight loss progress


Free (Free), Premium ($4.99/month)


Application information

Category Health & Fitness
Downloads Over 2.4 million downloads
Features BeWet is a drink water reminder app that helps you stay hydrated throughout the day with customizable reminders, personalized water intake goals, and progress tracking.
Who It’s For This app is for anyone who wants to improve their hydration habits, lose weight, or simply stay healthy.
BeWet - Erinnerungen zum Wassertrinken, Hydrierungstracker
  • Tags:
  • Smart reminders
  • Hydration tracker
  • Personalized plans

BeWet is a visually appealing drink water app that makes staying hydrated a breeze. Its clean and simple interface is a welcome change from other cluttered hydration trackers. Users rave about the app's ability to customize drink sizes and hydration levels, ensuring accurate tracking. The customizable, non-obtrusive notifications are a real bonus, gently reminding you to sip throughout the day. While users appreciate the app's features, many desire additional integration with fitness apps like MyFitnessPal or Fitbit, a feature that would make BeWet an even more powerful tool for holistic health management.

Pros & Cons

  • Aesthetically pleasing interface
  • Simple and clear design
  • Customizable and unobtrusive notifications
  • Calculates suggested intake based on metrics
  • No quick drink logging outside app
  • No sync with fitness trackers
  • No home climate factor for intake

Why we chose it?

I absolutely love BeWet for staying hydrated! It's super easy to use, with customizable reminders and fun ways to track my water intake. I love the motivational features like progress charts and challenges, plus it's packed with helpful info about the benefits of drinking water.

8. My Water Reminder & Alarm

My Water Reminder & Alarm Icon

Customizable reminders throughout the day, Track daily water intake progress


Application information

Category Health & Fitness
Downloads Over two million downloads
Features This drink water app sets reminders and alarms to help you stay hydrated, track your water intake, and achieve your daily water goals.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants to improve their water intake and overall health.
My Water Reminder & Alarm - Tägliche Ziele setzen, Automatische Erinnerungen, Fortschritt verfolgen
  • Tags:
  • Smart Water Reminders
  • Personalized Hydration Goals
  • Easy Water Tracking

"My Water Reminder & Alarm" is a drink water app that's designed to help you stay hydrated, especially if you need those extra reminders like transplant recipients. While users appreciate the app's basic functionality and the ability to track water intake, some find the notification sound grating and the lack of customization frustrating. The app's "feedback" feature also seems to be broken, which is a major inconvenience. Despite these drawbacks, the app's premise of reminding users to drink water is a good one, and it might be helpful for those who need that extra push to stay hydrated.

Pros & Cons

  • Provides timely water reminders
  • Helps track water intake
  • Simple and easy to use
  • Motivates to reach water goals
  • Limited customization options
  • Annoying and unadjustable sound
  • Clock feature is unreliable

Why we chose it?

I'm so happy with My Water Reminder & Alarm! It's the perfect tool for me to stay hydrated throughout the day. I love that it sets smart reminders based on my schedule and activity level, and the easy-to-use tracker helps me stay accountable. Plus, the cute and customizable designs make drinking water feel fun and rewarding!

9. Water Tracker and Drink Alarm

Water Tracker and Drink Alarm Icon

Personalized daily hydration plan, Track water intake and calorie


Free (Free), Premium ($3.99/month)


Application information

Category Health & Fitness
Downloads Over 1.6 million downloads
Features Track your water intake, set reminders, receive personalized hydration plans, monitor your calorie intake, and build healthy habits.
Who It’s For People who want to stay hydrated and improve their overall health.
Water Tracker and Drink Alarm - Personalisierter Trinkplan, Erinnerungen ans Trinken
  • Tags:
  • Precise Hydration Plan
  • Personalized Drink Reminders
  • Extensive Beverage Database

"Water Tracker and Drink Alarm" is a handy drink water app that's a constant reminder to stay hydrated throughout your busy day. While it does feature ads, users appreciate the app's effectiveness in prompting them to drink, especially with its customizable sound alerts. This app goes beyond just tracking water, allowing you to manage your calorie intake, exercise, and even track your weight and progress with before-and-after photos – all for free. Although some users have noted the frequency of ads, they acknowledge the app's value in promoting healthy habits and keeping them mindful of their water intake, which is essential for overall health.

Pros & Cons

  • Great reminder to drink water
  • Tracks more than just water
  • Free with minimal ads
  • Helps with calorie management
  • Excessive ads during use
  • Limited time adjustment for reminders
  • Ads before logging food intake

Why we chose it?

I've tried a ton of water tracking apps, but Water Tracker and Drink Alarm really stands out! It's super easy to use, with customizable reminders that actually make me remember to drink. Plus, it has a great visual tracker that helps me see how much water I'm actually consuming, which is a huge motivator. If you're looking for an app that makes staying hydrated fun and effective, this one is a winner!

10. Waterful | Drink Water Tracker

Waterful | Drink Water Tracker Icon

Personalized water reminder, Free water tracking, Hydration statistics


Free (Free), Premium ($4.99/month)


Application information

Category Health & Fitness
Downloads Over 1.2 Million Downloads
Features Waterful, a drink water app, offers a personalized water intake calculator, customizable drinking reminders, hydration tracking, and progress reports, helping users stay hydrated throughout the day.
Who It’s For People who want to stay hydrated and improve their overall health by tracking their water intake and receiving timely reminders.
Waterful | Drink Water Tracker - Kostenlose Trinkwassererinnerung, Personalisierter Trinkplan
  • Tags:
  • Drink water reminders
  • Personalized hydration
  • Water intake calculator

Waterful | Drink Water Tracker is a fun and engaging drink water app that makes staying hydrated a breeze. It features a charming octopus that motivates you to reach your daily water goals, and allows you to track a variety of beverages beyond just water. You can customize your tracking with different sizes and even add your own favorite drinks to the list. While users appreciate the app's flexibility and customizable features, some have noted that the lack of smart reminders and integration with fitness trackers like Google Fit could be improved.

Pros & Cons

  • Tracks various beverages
  • Customizable drink tracking
  • Visual progress tracking
  • Motivational octopus design
  • No fractional amount tracking
  • Lacks Google Fit integration
  • Inconsistent goal completion display

Why we chose it?

Waterful is my go-to water tracker because it's super simple to use, reminds me to drink throughout the day, and even calculates how much water I need based on my activity level. I love that it's completely free and doesn't bombard me with ads. Plus, seeing my progress and how much water I've consumed really motivates me to stay hydrated!

11. Water Tracker

Water Tracker Icon

Personalized daily water goals, Track intake with easy logging


Free (Free), Premium ($2.99/month)


Application information

Category Health & Fitness
Downloads Over a million downloads
Features Track your water intake, set daily goals, receive reminders, view hydration progress, personalize your experience, and earn achievements.
Who It’s For Anyone looking for a simple and effective way to stay hydrated.
Water Tracker - Tägliche Wassererinnerungen, Fortschrittsverfolgung
  • Tags:
  • Hydration Tracking
  • Personalized Reminders
  • Health Monitoring

Water Tracker is a fantastic drink water app that takes the guesswork out of staying hydrated. It's designed to help you achieve your daily water goals, complete with reminders and even fun motivational elements. Users rave about the app's clean design and its seamless integration with smartwatches, making it effortless to track your intake on the go. The developers are dedicated to providing excellent support, with users praising their quick response times and dedication to resolving issues. While the app offers a variety of customizable features, like personalized reminder tones, there's room for improvement in the long-term achievement tracking system, which some users find demotivating.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to track hydration
  • Helpful reminders to drink water
  • Excellent customer support
  • Clean design and smartwatch compatibility
  • Battery saver mode disables reminders
  • App broke after 8 months of use
  • Daily achievements reset, lack of motivation

Why we chose it?

I've tried a bunch of water reminder apps, but Water Tracker is my absolute favorite! It's super easy to use, with customizable reminders and a fun progress tracker that keeps me motivated. Plus, the app automatically adjusts my water goal based on my activity level, making it super convenient!

12. My Water

My Water Icon

Calculates daily water needs, Reminds you to drink water, Tracks your water intake


Free (Free), Premium ($2.99/month)


Application information

Category Health & Fitness
Downloads Over 740,000 downloads
Features My Water calculates your daily water needs, reminds you to drink, tracks your intake, and provides motivational awards to help you stay hydrated.
Who It’s For Anyone looking for a simple and effective way to make sure they drink enough water.
My Water - Täglicher Wasserbedarf, Erinnerungen, Motivierende Belohnungen
  • Tags:
  • Water intake calculator
  • Personalized Reminders
  • Motivational awards

"My Water" is a popular drink water app designed to help you stay hydrated. While it effectively tracks your water intake and offers helpful reminders, user reviews highlight some recurring issues. Many users experience crashes, particularly after submitting their water intake, which can be frustrating. While the app's core functionality remains solid, these technical glitches might make you question the value of the paid version. Some users have even reported issues with notifications, requiring them to rely on the app's widget as a workaround. Despite these drawbacks, "My Water" continues to be a reliable tool for many, reminding them to prioritize their hydration throughout the day.

Pros & Cons

  • Tracks water intake effectively
  • Provides reminders to drink water
  • Simple and easy to use interface
  • Offers widgets for quick access
  • Prone to crashing and bugs
  • Notifications may be unreliable
  • Social features may not function

Why we chose it?

I absolutely love My Water! It's simple, effective, and makes staying hydrated a breeze. The intuitive design and customizable reminders ensure I'm drinking enough throughout the day, and I love seeing my progress charted in the app. My Water is the perfect companion for anyone serious about drinking enough water.

13. Water tracker & drink water

Water tracker & drink water Icon

Customizable reminder schedule, Water intake tracking, Progress visualization


Free (Free), Premium ($2.99/month)


Application information

Category Health & Fitness
Downloads Over 629,000 downloads
Features This drink water app helps you stay hydrated by setting reminders, tracking your water intake, and providing personalized goals based on your needs.
Who It’s For Anyone looking to improve their water intake and overall health.
Water tracker & drink water - Erinnert ans Trinken, Verfolgt Flüssigkeitsaufnahme
  • Tags:
  • Water balance tracker
  • Drink reminder & alarm
  • Hydration data insights

"Water tracker & drink water" is a delightful and effective drink water app that goes beyond simply reminding you to hydrate. The app features a charming animated cat that provides visual cues throughout the day, making staying on top of your water intake enjoyable. Users appreciate the customizable features, like choosing your preferred measurement units and adjusting the size of your water container. While some would like the option to set their own daily water goals, the app's focus on no ads and a positive user experience makes it a standout choice for anyone looking for a fun and effective way to drink more water.

Pros & Cons

  • No ads, refreshing experience
  • Visually reminders, no audio
  • Easy to set metric/imperial
  • Adjust container size, tap cat
  • Fixed goal based on weight
  • Scrolling to choose beverage amount
  • Can't manually adjust goal

Why we chose it?

I absolutely love Water tracker & drink water! It's super easy to use, with customizable reminders that actually help me stay on top of my water intake. I also really appreciate the cute water cat mascot - it makes drinking water feel fun! Plus, the app tracks my progress so well, I can actually see how much better I'm feeling since I started using it.

14. Water Reminder

Water Reminder Icon

Personalized daily water goal, Track water intake easily, Reminders to stay hydrated


Free (Free), Premium ($2.99/month)


Application information

Category Health & Fitness
Downloads Over 600,000 downloads
Features This drink water app reminds you to drink water, tracks your intake, calculates your daily water needs, and helps you build healthy hydration habits.
Who It’s For Anyone looking for a simple and effective way to stay hydrated.
Water Reminder - Täglichen Wasserbedarf berechnen, Erinnerungen zum Wassertrinken
  • Tags:
  • Personalized hydration plan
  • Hydration Tracking Made Easy
  • Science-Backed Water Intake

Water Reminder is a mobile app designed to help you stay hydrated by reminding you to drink water throughout the day. This app features a charming water character, which is a nice touch, but some users have encountered difficulties with the initial setup. The app calculates your daily water needs and allows you to customize your beverage intake, including hydration factor considerations. However, some users have found the interface confusing, especially when it comes to setting accurate fluid amounts. Despite these hiccups, Water Reminder still offers a valuable service for those looking to prioritize their water intake.

Pros & Cons

  • Reminds you to drink water
  • Tracks your water intake
  • Provides hydration factor guidance
  • Personalized notification options
  • Confusing drink creation process
  • May miss some alerts
  • Difficult to navigate initially

Why we chose it?

Water Reminder is my go-to app for staying hydrated because it's super simple to use and perfectly tailored to my needs. I love that it calculates my daily water goal based on my weight and activity level, and then sends me gentle reminders throughout the day to keep me on track. Plus, the colorful charts and graphs make it fun to see my progress!

15. Water Reminder

Water Reminder Icon

Personalized daily water goal, Customizable reminder intervals


Free (Free), Pro ($2.99/month)


Application information

Category Health & Fitness
Downloads Over 449,000 downloads
Features This drink water app helps calculate your daily water needs, reminds you to hydrate, and tracks your water intake, including custom volumes, schedules, and historical data.
Who It’s For Anyone looking for a simple and effective way to stay hydrated.
Water Reminder - Personalisierte Erinnerungen, Flexible Benachrichtigungen
  • Tags:
  • Personalized Reminders
  • Customizable drink volumes
  • Hydration Tracking

Water Reminder is a handy drink water app that aims to help you stay hydrated throughout the day. While users appreciate its ability to track various beverages and automatically calculate water content, some find the notification system a bit overbearing. The app's loud, persistent reminders, despite user-set intervals, can be disruptive. Furthermore, customization options for notification sounds and the lack of dynamic display for tracked drinks leave room for improvement.

Pros & Cons

  • Tracks various fluids
  • Calculates water content
  • Helpful for hydration goals
  • Easy to use interface
  • Annoying frequent reminders
  • Loud notification sound
  • Limited notification customization

Why we chose it?

Water Reminder is my go-to app for staying hydrated! It's simple, effective, and really helps me remember to drink throughout the day. I love that I can customize my water intake goals and set reminders that fit my schedule. Plus, the app's sleek design and intuitive interface make tracking my water consumption a breeze.

16. HidrateSpark Water Tracker

HidrateSpark Water Tracker Icon

Personalized daily water goal, Smart drink water reminders, Track water intake easily


Free (Free), HidrateSpark Pro ($9.99/month)


Application information

Category Health & Fitness
Downloads Over 1 million downloads
Features HidrateSpark calculates a personalized water goal, sends reminders, tracks your intake, and provides motivational features to help you stay hydrated.
Who It’s For People who want to drink more water and improve their overall health and well-being.
HidrateSpark Water Tracker - Personalized daily goal, Smart drink reminders, Trophy rewards
  • Tags:
  • Personalized Hydration Goal
  • Smart Drink Reminders
  • Hydration Tracking

HidrateSpark Water Tracker is a drink water app that aims to help you stay hydrated throughout the day. The app uses a smart water bottle that lights up to remind you to drink, and it sends you notifications to keep you on track. While many users love the water bottle and the reminders, they report some issues with the app's functionality. The app has a tendency to struggle with syncing, causing inaccuracies in water intake tracking and potentially losing data. Despite these challenges, users acknowledge that the app generally fulfills its purpose of encouraging water consumption, making it a viable option for those seeking a nudge to drink more.

Pros & Cons

  • Reminds you to drink water
  • Lights up to encourage drinking
  • Tracks water intake accurately
  • Helps you stay hydrated
  • App has syncing issues
  • Date problems affect tracking
  • Manual water entries ignored

Why we chose it?

I absolutely love HidrateSpark! It's the best water-tracking app out there because it's so much more than just a counter. It uses smart reminders and personalized goals to keep me hydrated throughout the day, which is way more effective than any other app I've tried. Plus, it's fun and engaging with its gamified features and progress tracking, making it a breeze to stick with my hydration goals.

17. Stay Hydrated

Stay Hydrated Icon

Set daily water goals, Track water consumption, Smart notifications remind you


Application information

Category Health & Fitness
Downloads Over 179,000 downloads
Features Stay Hydrated helps you track your water intake, set reminders, and monitor your hydration progress with customizable goals and motivational features.
Who It’s For People who struggle to stay hydrated throughout the day and want a simple and effective way to track their water intake.
Stay Hydrated - Intelligente Erinnerungen, Zielsetzung, Fortschrittsverfolgung
  • Tags:
  • Smart notifications
  • Goal Tracking
  • Personalized Reminders

"Stay Hydrated" is a simple yet effective drink water app designed to help you stay on top of your hydration goals. The app boasts a user-friendly interface that makes tracking your water intake a breeze, and its timely reminders ensure you don't forget to quench your thirst. Users appreciate the app's ability to motivate them to drink more water, and while some have experienced minor glitches in the past, the developers have been quick to address them with updates. With a focus on clear and intuitive design, this app empowers users to make hydration a regular habit.

Pros & Cons

  • Simple and effective hydration tracker
  • Helpful for combatting dehydration
  • Great UI, easy to use
  • Motivates to drink more water
  • Lacks Google Fit sync
  • Inconsistent water tracking
  • No personalized water recommendations

Why we chose it?

Hey there! I love Stay Hydrated because it's super simple to use, and it really helps me remember to drink water throughout the day. The cute little reminders pop up at just the right time, and I can easily adjust my daily goal to fit my needs. Plus, the app is so user-friendly, even my tech-challenged grandma could figure it out!

18. waterdrop® Hydration App

waterdrop® Hydration App Icon

Track your daily water intake, Receive personalized hydration reminders


Application information

Category Health & Fitness
Downloads Over 172,100 downloads
Features The waterdrop® Hydration App is a drink water app that tracks your daily intake, reminds you to drink water, challenges you to reach your goals, and includes a Wear OS integration.
Who It’s For Anyone looking to improve their hydration habits, track their water intake, and reach their daily hydration goals.
waterdrop® Hydration App - Tracks your daily water intake, Reminds you to drink water regularly
  • Tags:
  • Personalized Hydration Goals
  • Smart Drink Reminders
  • Motivating Challenges

The waterdrop® Hydration App is a fantastic drink water app that makes staying hydrated effortless and enjoyable. This app, designed to complement the waterdrop® brand, lets you set personalized daily water goals and tracks your progress, gently reminding you to sip throughout the day. It even lets you add other beverages and see your environmental impact by tracking the plastic bottles you've saved. While some users have reported minor glitches, the overall functionality is praised for its ease of use and effectiveness in helping people reach their hydration targets.

Pros & Cons

  • Helps reach daily water targets
  • Tracks different drinks consumed
  • Reminds you to drink water
  • Easy to use and functional
  • Delivery tracking issues
  • Daily progress can reset
  • Slow responsiveness, glitches

Why we chose it?

I'm absolutely hooked on the waterdrop® Hydration App! It's super easy to set personalized daily goals and the adorable challenges keep me motivated to reach them. Plus, the reminders are gentle but effective, making sure I stay hydrated all day long. It's the best app I've found for making drinking water a fun habit!

19. Water Tracker

Water Tracker Icon

Calculate daily water needs, Track water intake easily, Gentle reminders to drink


Application information

Category Health & Fitness
Downloads Over 121,000 downloads
Features This drink water app helps you track your water intake, calculate your daily water needs, and provides gentle reminders to stay hydrated.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants to drink more water and improve their overall health and well-being.
Water Tracker - Unbegrenztes Tagebuch, Zusätzliche Monats- und Wochenstatistiken
  • Tags:
  • Personalized hydration plan
  • Hydration Tracking
  • Gentle Drink Reminders

"Water Tracker" is a simple and effective drink water app that helps you stay hydrated throughout the day. Unlike other apps that bombard you with notifications, "Water Tracker" lets you set your own pace, gently reminding you to drink at the beginning of the day and staying quiet as long as you're on top of your water intake. This app makes it easy to track your daily water consumption, and its auto-weather feature automatically updates your water intake based on the forecast. While some users have expressed preference for the previous water icon, the app's ease of use, customizable features, and overall effectiveness make it a top choice for those looking to improve their hydration habits.

Pros & Cons

  • Simple and easy to use
  • Quiet notifications, only at start
  • Auto weather updates water intake
  • Developer deserves compensation for app
  • Tips appear despite notification off
  • Unnecessary PRO capitalization in app name
  • Grammar issues in latest update

Why we chose it?

I've tried a ton of water tracker apps, but [Water Tracker] is my absolute favorite! I love how it automatically calculates my daily water needs based on my activity level and climate. Plus, it's super easy to log my drinks with its intuitive interface and handy widgets. Most importantly, [Water Tracker] has actually made me drink more water consistently, which is a game-changer for my overall health and well-being!

20. Water

Water Icon

Personalized daily water goals, Drink reminders with customizable frequency


Free (Free), Water Premium ($3.99/month)


Application information

Category Health & Fitness
Downloads Over 12,000 downloads
Features This drink water app helps you stay hydrated with personalized reminders, water tracking, and a customizable drinking schedule.
Who It’s For Anyone who wants to make sure they drink enough water throughout the day.
Water - Recordatorios inteligentes, Seguimiento personalizado
  • Tags:
  • Smart Drink Reminders
  • Personalized hydration plan
  • Hydration Tracking

"Water" is a delightful drink water app that empowers you to take control of your hydration. The app lets you personalize your daily water intake goals, making it easy to track your progress and stay on top of your hydration needs. You can even review your drinking history, seeing exactly when you've sipped throughout the day. The app's design is a real treat, featuring beautiful graphics that make tracking your water intake feel fun and engaging. While the app currently offers reminders, users are hoping for the option to customize these reminders for even more personalized hydration support.

Pros & Cons

  • Customizable daily water goal
  • Detailed drinking history tracking
  • Visually appealing design
  • Motivating drink tracking visuals
  • Lack of customizable reminders
  • No integration with fitness trackers
  • Limited customization options

Why we chose it?

I love Water because it makes staying hydrated so easy! It has intuitive reminders that gently nudge me to drink, and the customizable goals let me set a plan that fits my lifestyle. Plus, I appreciate that it tracks my water intake so I can see how much I'm actually drinking, which keeps me motivated!